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Virus protection tips for your laptop of PC

1. Please do not open any Email attachments from unknown sources your own personal mail accounts such as Yahoo, Gmail, etc. 2. Kindly take backup all your important Data regularly on CD or DVD and scan external disk before using. 3. Please  do not click on any Links , sent from unknown sources, either via Emails or accessing your Facebook,twitter account.  These can be infected with virus. 4. Please do not Disable your Anti-Virus under any circumstances on your machine. 5. Update all Patches - Antivirus, Operating System , MS Office and windows patches update . 6. If you are unable to open any of your files then need to check virus infection and scan with antivirus. 7. If you use or share any External Drives such as  USB Hard Disks, need to SCAN them with the Antivirus software before using them.

Disadvantages of materialized View in SQL

Following are the Disadvantages of materialized View in SQL 1.We can not perform any DML Operations on materialized View ,but you can perform DDL Operations like DROP.The thing is here it stores the all records even if it is duplicate or non-duplicates,especially which we are using aggregate values.For example daily loads,monthly loads,yearly loads.such cases it would be very helpful storing of entire data if it is new or old. The disadvantage is takes space Can only be based on a simple Select if you require real time data. maintaining the materialized View  Logs has an overhead on the master system. 2.We can't perform DML on materialized View  because it is like snapshot or read only .it is mainly used for reporting purposes.A materialized view can be either read-only, updatable or writable. We Can't Perform DML on read-only but can Perform DML on updatable or writable. 3.On readable - we cant perform DML. on updatable- we can perform DML, we need to create the mate

What is the Difference between count(*) and count(1) in SQL

Question: Following are the Differences between count(*) and count(1) in SQL Answer: 1.COUNT(*) will include NULLS but it counts no.of ROWS in a TABLE, AND COUNT(column_or_expression) counts no.of NOT NULL values within a COLUMN. 2.COUNT(*) is depend on full table but COUNT(1) is depend on only one column and both are given same output.

Difference between collection and bulk binding in SQL

Following at the Differences between collection and bulk binding in SQL To retrieve multiple rows we can use cursors or bulk collections. Cursors row by row mechanism so performance decreased. But collections not row by row process all rows retrieved at time so performance increased. And bulk bind means doing DML(data manipulation language) operations as a bulk. By using for all statement we can do bulk-binding. If you want to do bulk-bind first should use bulk collections .

Get Name,SID for user for windows

To Get Name,SID for users for windows  there are many ways to get that . SID full name is Security Identifier. 1. You can execute regedt32.exe  command from run mode. Go to HKey_Users and you can see sid of user like following picture. 2.Second way you can use command on command prompt and run the following command. wmic useraccount where name='username' get sid To get details in file you can use below way. wmic useraccount where name='username' get sid > c:\sid.txt 3. To get All users SID you can use below command. wmic useraccount get name,sid To get details in file user below.. wmic useraccount get name,sid> c:\sid.txt

How to Reduce Microsoft Outlook Data file size

Sometime out Outlook Data file size become big and it's not getting decrease after deleting of lot of old mails then there is one option to decrease data file size of outlook. You need to use compact option of outlook file. Below are step to do it. 1. Delete items that are old dated and not required. 2. Go to File tab->Account Settings-> Account Settings. 3. Go to Data Files tab, select the data file that for compacting purpose then you can  click Settings     then Click On Compact Now.

Step Recorder feature of Windows 7

Do you know that you can record steps that you are using for your work on windows by using step recorder. You need to just click on Start button then type step recorder in search box then you can open the step recorder. Then click on start to start your task recording when you want to stop your step recorder just click on stop. Then save as dialog box will be open you can save your file on selected location and file will be save in zip format. Once file saved you can open that file in Internet explorer browser. Its windows secret that I know most people do not know but it is very much helpful to make document for your task for future learning. File will be save in MHT format which is MHTML format.