JNI What is Native Interface in JAVA? Can you say in brief steps required to implement Native interfaces in Java? Can JNI be used for VB6, C# or VB.NET directly? What are JNI functions and pointers? How does the garbage collector know JNI objects are no more used? Twist: - What are the different types of references JNI supports? Twist: - How to do you delete global objects? how does the native language C or C++ understand data types in JAVA? Can you explain exception handling in JNI? What are limitations for “JNIEnv” pointer in multi-threading scenarios? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using “JNI”? Architecture What are design patterns ? What is the difference between Factory and Abstract Factory Patterns? What is MVC pattern? Twist: - How can you implement MVC pattern in Servlets and JSP? How can we implement singleton pattern in JAVA? How do you implement prototype pattern in JAVA? Twist: - How to implement cloning in JAVA? What is shallow copy and...
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