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Showing posts with the label object oriented programming language (OOPL)

Object oriented programming language (OOPL) and Run time Polymorphism

Object oriented programming language (OOPL) What is object in c++ Objects are the foundation of object-oriented programming, and are fundamental data types in object-oriented programming languages. These languages provide extensive syntactic and semantic support for object handling, including a hierarchical type system, special notation for declaring and calling methods, and facilities for hiding selected fields from client programmers. However, objects and object-oriented programming can be implemented in any language. C++ Carry's the concept of object oriented programming 1) data abstraction 2) data encapsulation 3) modularity 4) inheritance 5) polymorphism C++ is an OOPL not just because it supports the OOPS concepts but more importantly, those concepts are EASY to implement in C++, and sometimes some non OOPS concepts are difficult to do. For example, it is possible to implement data hiding etc using C, but they are unusually difficult, whereas C++ directly