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Showing posts with the label Redirect output in a file in Oracle PL/SQL

Redirect output in a file,Check Exist validation,Cursor Example in PL SQL

Redirect output in a file in Oracle PL SQL There are different ways: a) Before you execute the package you can enable SPOOL. or b) Create a temporary package and insert the log messages into that so that data can be viewed later on the temporary table. or c) Use DBMS_FILE package procedure to open and write data into files. Check exists validation using pl/sql declare v_deptno dept.deptno%type:=&gdeptno; cursor deptcursor is select * from dept where deptno=v_deptno; v_deptcursor deptcursor%rowtype; begin open deptcursor; fetch deptcursor into v_deptcursor; if deptcursor%found then dbms_output.put_line('v_deptcursor.ename); else dbms_output.put_line('sorr..! no deptloyee exists..'); end if; end; PL Sql program example of cursor on employee table This is a PL Sql program example of cursor on employee table to check whether employee exist or not. declare v_empno emp.empno%type:=&gempno; cursor em...