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Showing posts with the label select * from

Query to show all tables names, see all the objects,create the table into the trigger in sql

Query to show all table names select table_name from dba_tables SELECT *FROM TAB; Query to see all the objects in sql This is a very simple query to get all the objects in sql. User_Objects is sql system table which include all object information as a records. select * from USER_OBJECTS; This is small query but it could be very helpful for you. Create the table into the trigger using pl sql To create table into the trigger using pl/sql you can try following code in SQL query editor or in stored procedure. Create or replace trigger b_br after delete on EMP declare n integer; PRAGMA AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION; begin dbms_output.put_line('Table Creation in process..'); execute immediate 'create table b_t(b varchar2(10))'; dbms_output.put_line('Table Created..'); end; Delete from EMP; Same way you can add more columns in tables with different data types.