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Showing posts with the label Example of PL/Sql

Pl/Sql program to check for department of employee,Replace string with your column name

Replace string with your column name  Replace '2011-06-20T00:00-04:00' with your column name. SELECT SUBSTR('2011-06-20T00:00-04:00',1,INSTR('2011-06-20T00:00-04:00','T')-1)||' '||SUBSTR('2011-06-20T00:00-04:00',INSTR('2011-06-20T00:00-04:00','T')+1,LENGTH('2011-06-20T00:00-04:00')); Pl/Sql program to check for department of employee create or Replace Function valid_deptid (tmp_deptid departments.Department_id%type) Return Number IS Rtn_Deptno number; begin dbms_output.put_line('Inside Function'); select department_id into rtn_deptno from departments where department_id=tmp_deptid; if sql%FOUND then dbms_output.put_line('Valid Deptno'); end if ; return rtn_deptno; exception when no_data_found then dbms_output.put_line ( ' sorry incorrect departmentno' ) ; return -- it will return the null. it's a good programming pratice ---...