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Showing posts with the label difference in length between the first biggest and the second biggest name in sql table

Difference in length between the first biggest and the second biggest name in sql table

to get difference in length between the first biggest and the second biggest name in SQL table like Employees table. You can try following query to get the same. 1. SELECT MAX(DECODE(DR, 1, L, NULL)) - MAX(DECODE(DR, 2, L, NULL)) AS DIFF FROM ( SELECT LENGTH(FIRST_NAME||LAST_NAME) AS L, DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY LENGTH(FIRST_NAME||LAST_NAME) DESC) AS DR FROM EMPLOYEES ) WHERE DR IN (1, 2) max(a) - min(a)from ( select distinct(length(FIRST_NAME)) a from EMPLOYEES order by length(FIRST_NAME) desc) where rownum < 3