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Showing posts with the label 2005

Move Reporting server database instance from one server to another in SQL Server

Following the steps below to Move Reporting server database instance from one server to another in SQL Server 2005,2008,2012 etc 1. Take the backup report server and report server temp db and restore in another server. ( if you want to move db also) 2. In the new server open reporting service configuration manage and re configure with new server details and start again. 3. Remove the encryption keys . Then reports will work from new server.

Important SQL Questions for Exam Preparation

1. Which of the following queries can you use to search for employees with the pattern 'A_B' in their names? A. SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE '%A\_B%' ESCAPE '\\'; B. SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE '%A_B%' ESCAPE; C. SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE 'A_B%' ESCAPE '%'; D. SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE '%A\_B%' ESCAPE '\'; 2. The number of records in a table emp is given by statement A. Select total(*) from emp; B. Select count(*) from emp; C. Select sum(*) from emp; D. Select total from emp; 3. Write a query to Display the Name and studentid of all Students of branch CSE and ECE in alphabetical order by name. 4. Can you use the SQL JOIN and SQL HAVING clauses in one SQL statement? A .Yes. B . No. C . It depends. D . Don't know 5. # Which four are valid Oracle constraint types? A....