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Showing posts with the label copy a range/column after the last column with data

copy a range column after the last column with in MS Excel

Option Explicit 'Copy a range/column after the last column with data 'Note: This example use the function LastCol 'This example copy column A from each sheet after the last column with data on the DestSh. 'I use A:A to copy the whole column but you can also use a range like A1:A10 'Use A:C if you want to copy more columns. 'Change it here ''Fill in the column(s) that you want to copy 'Set CopyRng = sh.Range("A:A") 'Remember that Excel 97-2003 have only 256 columns. 'Excel 2007 has 16384 columns. 'When you run one of the examples it will first delete the summary worksheet 'named DBMergeSheet if it exists and then adds a new one to the workbook.'This ensures that the data is always up to date after you run the code. Sub AppendDataAfterLastColumn() Dim sh As Worksheet Dim DestSh As Worksheet Dim Last As Long Dim CopyRng As Range With Application .ScreenUpdating = False .EnableE...