This is a Example of dynamic SQL. You can wrtie following code to check how dynamic sql works. column1 := 'custno'; column2 := 'custname'; t_table1 := 'cust_test'; t_table2 := 'cust'; testval1 cust.custno%type; t_valeu2 cust.custname%type; t_resultestval1 cust.custno%type; t_resultestval2 cust.custname%type; execsqlcodetest := 'select '||column1||','||column2||' from '||table2||' where ('||column1||','||column2||') in (select '||column1||','||column2||' from '||table1|| ' where '||column1||' like %:b1% and '||column2||' like %:b2%)'; execute immediate execsqlcodetest using testval1, testval2 into t_resultestval1, t_resultestval2;
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