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Steps to install AdventureWorks database in sql server

Following are Steps to install AdventureWorks database in sql server. 1. Open Object Explorer, if necessary, in SQL Server Management Studio by choosing View ->Object Explorer. 2. Expand the node for the relevant SQL Server 2005 instance and then expand the Databases node. 3. Right-click the AdventureWorks node and choose Tasks➪Copy Database. The Copy Database Wizard runs. 4. Click Next. 5. On the Select a Source Server screen, specify the location of the server and the authentication method to use. Click Next. 6. Select a destination server and click Next. 7. On the Select a Transfer Method screen, select a method to use to copy the database. (Because this is only sample data, you can use the faster detach and attach method.) Click Next. 8. On the Select Databases screen, enable the check box for the AdventureWorks database. Click Next. 9. On the Configure Destination Database screen, name the copy AdventureWorks_new. Click Next, click Next, and click Finish.