Splitting a String to a Certain Position substring('abc/123',charindex('abc/123','/')+1,3) Pulling a Row Prior to Maximum Row in sql SELECT es.emp_employee_id ,MAX(es.emp_stat_eff_dte) FROM emp_status es WHERE es.emp_stat_eff_dte < ( SELECT max(es2.emp_stat_eff_dte) FROM emp_status es2 WHERE es2.emp_employee_id=es.emp_employee_id ) order by es.emp_employee_id Update Table from Select Statement in sql To Update Table from Select Statement in sql you can see below example. E.g. update customers CUST set CUST.likes_us = 'Y' where CUST.link_id in (select distinct REST.link_id from restaurant REST where REST.rest_type = 'Diner') and CUST.likes_us is null
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