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Top 20 SQL Query Interview Question to learn

Interview questions for sql DBA

1.What are Differences in Delete & Truncate . 2.What are Differences in UNIQUE and Primary key ? 3. What are the agents involved in replication 4.Which Types of clusters and how many ips are required to install failover cluster? 5.Configuration of logshipping and DB mirroring. 5.What are Types of backups and backup scenario? 6.What is deadlock and blocking? 7.Differences between clustered and non clustered indexes? 8.Why SQL Server Agent is used? 9.What are Types of System databases 10.What are the steps for restoring a database?

SQL DBA Checklist

Following can be SQL DBA Checklist on daily,weekly and monthly basis. 1.SQL DBA daily checklist can include Database backup status, Database integrity checks, failed jobs. 2.Weekly checklist can include index reorganization, update stats etc . 3.Monthly checklist can include Restoration drill for critical databases to ensure backup's availability in case of any unusual happening etc.these are general points.although it depends on current environment and issues how you define your checklist as a DBA.

create an Index sheet for all the worksheets within the workbook,Creating a Table of Contents

create an Index sheet for all the worksheets within the workbook In this example there is worksheet named 'HOME' where you create a list of worksheets.  Sub ListSheets() ' Description: This procedure creates worksheet List ' and corresponding GoTo hyperlinks. '-- Const cstrProcedure = "ListSheets" On Error GoTo HandleError Dim wks As Worksheet Dim strSheetName As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer Application.ScreenUpdating = False With ThisWorkbook n = .Worksheets.Count ' Customize Start Reference Set c = .Worksheets("Home").Range("B6") ' Start List From HOME!B6 c.CurrentRegion.Offset(1, 0).ClearContents i = 0: j = 0 For Each wks In .Worksheets i = i + 1 ''' If Sheet Name <> predefined sheet names thenh update List by sheet name If (wks.Name <> "HOME...