Example of abstract and interface class using c sharp namespace abstractClassDemo { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Car mycar = new Car("Skoda", "Fabia2CX"); mycar.ModelName(); mycar.BodyColor(); mycar.CubicCapacity(); mycar.Mileage(); Console.ReadKey(); } } abstract class Vehicle { string _model = ""; string _type = ""; public Vehicle(string company,string type) { _model = company; _type = type; } public abstract void CubicCapacity(); public abstract void BodyColor(); public abstract void Mileage(); public void ModelName() { Console.WriteLine("Vehicle is " + _type + " and Company is " + _model); } } class Car: Vehicle { public Car(string companyName, string modelName) : base(companyName, modelName) { } public override void BodyColor() { Console.Write("Color is Red."); } pub...
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