Total number of following things Total number of websites in this world - 232000000 Total number of blog in the world - 70 million blogs Number of email accounts worldwide -3.146 billion Internet users worldwide-2.1 billion . Total number of countries in world-243 Total number of cities in the world-36,722 Total number of companies in world-100000000 Total number of banks in the world -1,000,006 The total number of railway stations in India -7000-8000 Total number of airports in the World are approximately 14000 airports. Total number of villages in world-3,900,000.(Approx.) Total Population of the World by Decade, 1950–2050 Read more: Total Population of the World by Decade, 2020 7,584,821,144 Total number of religion in the world-more than 730 established Religions Total languages in the world-6912 This is prediction which taken from different websites. Number may change in future. This post will show you only approximate result.
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