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Text to columns through code in excel

All the data are combined in one column. Each cell has multiple values  to separate into the neighboring columns, which are separated by commas. Sub BreakDownTextToColumns() Dim strTextData As String Dim i As Integer, x As Integer Dim strSplitText$() x = 1 Range("A1").Select ' cell above data to separate Do Until ActiveCell.Offset(x, 0).Range("A1").Value = "" strTextData = ActiveCell.Offset(x, 0).Range("A1").Value strSplitText = Split(strTextData, ",") ' a comma is used as the signal to separate For i = 0 To UBound(strSplitText) ActiveCell.Offset(x, i).Range("A1").Value = (strSplitText(i)) Next i x = x + 1 Loop End Sub