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Showing posts with the label from dual

How to separate string from email id in SQL

To separate string from email id in SQL you can try below query. seperate ' test' '@' 'xyz'   ' com'   from SELECT SUBSTR(mailID, 1, INSTR(mailID, '@', 1, 1)-1) String1, SUBSTR(mailID, INSTR(mailID, '@', 1, 1), 1) String2, SUBSTR(mailID, INSTR(mailID, '@', 1, 1)+1, INSTR(mailID, '.', 1, 1)-INSTR(mailID, '@', 1, 1)-1) String3, SUBSTR(mailID, INSTR(mailID, '.', 1, 1)+1) String4 FROM ( SELECT '&MailID' mailID FROM Dual );