The sum of two numbers is a square. The sum of their squares is also a square. Find a method to get all such numbers. Answer let a + b = x^2 and a^2 + b^2 = y^2. the second equation is the characteristic Pythagorean triplet. so we can write a and b as p^2-1 and 2p where p is a positive integer > 1 . therefore, (p^2-1) + (2p) has to be a square number. [which is not true except for p=1/2] thus there is no base Pythagorean triplet which satisfies this relation, but multiples of them may easily do so. like: 3,4,5. 3+4 = 7 not a square. but for 21,28,35. 21 + 28 =7^2. thus (p^2+2p-1)(p^2-1) and (p^2+2p-1)(2p) or better still, q^2*(p^2+2p-1)(p^2-1) and q^2*(p^2+2p-1)(2p) satisfy the given condition, where p,q are both positive integers.
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