To create View using Union query from one database to another database in SQL you can get hints from below example its very simple your column should be the same type and number of the column should be same to create union query view. USE [TestDB] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO Create VIEW [dbo].[Test_FinancialDimension] AS ( SELECT [key_] ,[NAME] ,[Value] FROM MicrosoftDynamicsAX.dbo.dimattributecompanyinfo union SELECT [key_] ,[NAME] ,[Value] FROM MicrosoftDynamicsAX.dbo.DimAttributeOMCostCenter --union -- SELECT [key_] ,[NAME],[Value] FROM MicrosoftDynamicsAX.dbo.DimAttributeHcmWorker union SELECT [key_] ,[NAME] ,[Value] FROM MicrosoftDynamicsAX.dbo.DIMATTRIBUTEOMDEPARTMENT union SELECT [key_] ,[NAME] ,[Value] FROM MicrosoftDynamicsAX.dbo.DimAttributeOMB...
ERP Project Management,,PL SQL Tips for error resolution,Research,Software Errors and solution,SQL 2014,2012,2008,Procedural language,SP,Power BI,excel macro ,Musical notations,Business software,Degree, diploma related informations.