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Showing posts with the label change password using java script

JavaScript for login page

function validPwd() uname = frm.logid.value if uname = "" then msgbox "Enter Your Login ID" frm.logid.focus() else if not Isnumeric(uname) then msgbox "Enter Proper Value for Login ID" frm.logid.focus() else matcholdpwd() end if end if end function function matcholdpwd() oldpwd = frm.pawd.value if oldpwd = "" then msgbox "Please Enter YourPassword" frm.pawd.focus() else submitForm() end if end function function submitForm() frm.submit() end function function changepwd() window.location = "changepwd.asp" end function function ForgetPass() document.frm.action ="ForgetPass.asp" document.frm.method ="post" document.frm.submit() end function