Compute charge distribution for 2D electrostatic problem by Method of moment function [charge,sigma] = MoM2D(xs,ys,xe,ye,phi) %Arguments: % xs = x-coordinate for starting points % ys = y-coordinate for starting points % xe = x-coordinate for ending points % ye = y-coordinate for ending points % Returns % sigma = charge density for each element % charge = total charge on each element xobs = 0.5*(xs+xe); % Observation Points yobs = 0.5*(ys+ye); h = sqrt((xe-xs).^2+(ye-ys).^2); % Length of elements % Loop over elements for k = 1:length(xs) s = (((xobs-xs(k))*(xe(k)-xs(k)))+((yobs-ys(k))*(ye(k)-ys(k))))/(h(k))^2; d = sqrt((xobs-xs(k)).^2+(yobs-ys(k)).^2-(s.^2*h(K)^2)+1e-24); xis = -s*h(k); xie = (1-s)*h(k); temp = 0.5*xie.*log(xie.^2+d.^2) ... - xie + d.*atan(xie./d) ... -0.5*xis.*log(xis.^2+d.^2) ... - xis + d.*atan(xis./d) ... A(:,k) = temp(:)/(2*pi*8.854187))); end sigma = (A\phi')'; % Charge density ...
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