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Showing posts with the label Compute charge distribution for 2D electrostatic problem by Method of moment function

Compute charge distribution for 2D electrostatic problem by Method of moment function in Metlab

Compute charge distribution for 2D electrostatic problem by Method of moment function [charge,sigma] = MoM2D(xs,ys,xe,ye,phi) %Arguments: % xs = x-coordinate for starting points % ys = y-coordinate for starting points % xe = x-coordinate for ending points % ye = y-coordinate for ending points % Returns % sigma = charge density for each element % charge = total charge on each element xobs = 0.5*(xs+xe); % Observation Points yobs = 0.5*(ys+ye); h = sqrt((xe-xs).^2+(ye-ys).^2); % Length of elements % Loop over elements for k = 1:length(xs) s = (((xobs-xs(k))*(xe(k)-xs(k)))+((yobs-ys(k))*(ye(k)-ys(k))))/(h(k))^2; d = sqrt((xobs-xs(k)).^2+(yobs-ys(k)).^2-(s.^2*h(K)^2)+1e-24); xis = -s*h(k); xie = (1-s)*h(k); temp = 0.5*xie.*log(xie.^2+d.^2) ... - xie + d.*atan(xie./d) ... -0.5*xis.*log(xis.^2+d.^2) ... - xis + d.*atan(xis./d) ... A(:,k) = temp(:)/(2*pi*8.854187))); end sigma = (A\phi')'; % Charge density ...