DATA FLOW DIAGRAM D.F.D. (Data Flow Diagram) is a set of technique and graphical tools that allow the programmer to develop a kind of software specification that is easily understood by the user. It shows a sequence of functional transformations that convert system input to required output. It represents how a data flows through a system and how output is derived from the input through a sequence of function formation. They describe the end-to-end processing in the form of a flow chart from top to bottom. The Data Flow Diagram shows the use of data in the system pictorially structured analysis making use of some standard conventions. A full description of a system actually consists of a set of DFDs. Different levels of the system can be expressed using different DFD’s. The notations that are used by out DFD are described in brief below: 1. Rounded Rectangle : It represents functions, which transform input to output. The name inside the rectangle indicates its functio...
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