create an Index sheet for all the worksheets within the workbook In this example there is worksheet named 'HOME' where you create a list of worksheets. Sub ListSheets() ' Description: This procedure creates worksheet List ' and corresponding GoTo hyperlinks. '-- Const cstrProcedure = "ListSheets" On Error GoTo HandleError Dim wks As Worksheet Dim strSheetName As String Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, n As Integer Application.ScreenUpdating = False With ThisWorkbook n = .Worksheets.Count ' Customize Start Reference Set c = .Worksheets("Home").Range("B6") ' Start List From HOME!B6 c.CurrentRegion.Offset(1, 0).ClearContents i = 0: j = 0 For Each wks In .Worksheets i = i + 1 ''' If Sheet Name <> predefined sheet names thenh update List by sheet name If (wks.Name <> "HOME...
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