Getting below Error during Code Upgrade Ax 2012 from R2 to R3 . Can you suggest to resolve these errors. Description The first enabled data source(ProjForecastEmplView_1) in union query cannot have disabled field(Qty). Menu item RETAILLOYALTYCUSTTABLE does not exist. Menu item RETAILLOYALTYCUSTTABLE does not exist. Duty DOCommerceOnlineSalesOrdersMaintain does not exist. The first enabled data source(RetailTransactionTable_1) in union query cannot have disabled field(transactionId). Menu item RETAILLOYALTYMSRCARDTRANS does not exist. Menu item RETAILLOYALTYCUSTTABLE does not exist. Menu item RETAILLOYALTYCUSTTABLE does not exist. Menu item RETAILLOYALTYCUSTTABLE does not exist. Menu item InventAging_CN does not exist. Menu item RETAILLOYALTYMSRCARDTRANS does not exist. The class 'FormRun' does not contain the method 'isRetailAttribute'. The RetailPricingEngine::setRetailDiscountsOnOrder method is obsolete. Use method calculateIndependentPriceDiscounts in...
ERP Project Management,,PL SQL Tips for error resolution,Research,Software Errors and solution,SQL 2014,2012,2008,Procedural language,SP,Power BI,excel macro ,Musical notations,Business software,Degree, diploma related informations.