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Showing posts with the label kernel preemption

Tips for Linux Kernel scheduling,shutdown and restart command,steps to kernel updating

 kernel scheduling in Linux In kernel you have kernel threads. Some part of the kernel code runs in the userspace process context and some other part runs in the kernel thread context. All the userspace processes and kernel threads are scheduled with no difference except that their priority(that is both userspace process and kernel threads are treated same). we can change the kernel with our algorithm.. algorithm in sence round robin,shortest job first, fcfs, etc. You have a mirror or some part (dono the exact name) in kernel where you store your algorithm. and make kernel work in your algorithm. If your algorithm works fine without crashing the system you can set ur algorithm as default overwriting the existing one. Its possible to write your own algorithm too. scheduler schedules processes either it may be user or kernel, all user and kernel processes are same and kernel treats them in the same manor,except kernel process will not be swapped out, kernel process will have...