How to get financial year using code in class Public Function GetFinYear(ByVal Dt1 As String) As String Dim mm, yy As String Dim int_mm, int_yy As Integer Dim dt As String dt = Dt1 ''.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy") Dim frm_dt, to_dt, fin_yr As String mm = dt.Substring(3, 2) yy = dt.Substring(6, 4) int_mm = CType(mm, Integer) int_yy = CType(yy, Integer) If int_mm <= 3 Then to_dt = "31/03/" & yy int_yy = int_yy - 1 frm_dt = "01/04/" & int_yy.ToString() Else frm_dt = "01/04/" & yy int_yy = int_yy + 1 to_dt = "31/03/" & int_yy.ToString() End If fin_yr = frm_dt.Substring(8, 2) + to_dt.Substring(8, 2) Return fin_yr End Function
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