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Showing posts with the label Sql stored procedure to change column name from lower case to upper in table

Sql stored procedure to change column name from lower case to upper in table

This is a Sql stored procedure which can be used to change column name from lower case to upper in tables. Its simple to use and understand. DECLARE @count INT, @script NVARCHAR(1000), @column_name_old VARCHAR(100), @column_name_new VARCHAR(100) DECLARE @table TABLE (nid INT IDENTITY(1,1), column_name VARCHAR(1000)) INSERT INTO @table(column_name) SELECT name FROM syscolumns WHERE id = OBJECT_ID('test_column_change') SELECT @count= count(1) FROM @table WHILE(@count >=1) BEGIN SELECT @column_name_old = column_name FROM @table WHERE nid = @count SELECT @column_name_new = UPPER(@column_name_old) SELECT @Script ='sp_rename ''test_column_change.'+@column_name_old+''' , '''+@column_name_new+''' , ''COLUMN''' --select @script EXEC (@Script) SELECT @Count = @count-1 END