1. To check which user is taking maximum memory usage in SQL 2014 You can try below command select * from sys.sysprocesses sp_who2active 2. How to rename a column in subscription table in replication You have to remove from replication: Rename. and then re-add to replication 3. Clear cache in SQL for TempDb. RUN THIS COMMAND ON TEMPDB DATABASE ONLY DBCC FREEPROCACHE 4. How to install the Service pack 3 on server,This is my recommendations . Server: SQL server 2012 standard edition having sp1 and you want to install the SP3 and CU 7 at a time ? Then you can install SP3 and check if that covers CU 7 as well, if not then you can install CU 7 after the SP3 Successfully installed. But make sure to take the DB Backups prior to proceed 5. Resolve Authentication Error for Mailbox in SQL Error is Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: Authentication is required for relay in SMTP server If You are providing the server address like Server ip without login
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