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Showing posts with the label Paste in Sheet selected from a Userform ComboBox

Paste in Sheet selected from a Userform ComboBox

Paste in Sheet selected from a Userform ComboBox Sub CopyTest() '---------- 'Sheets("?Sheet1")Select ' <<< Syntax!! (apostroph) 'Range("B:E").Select 'Selection.Copy 'Sheets(cboPasteInSheet.Text).Select '-- ' What do you want to do here? ' what are E13 and HA13 ?? 'For i = E13 To HA13 Step 4 'If ActiveCell.Row = Empty Then 'ActiveCell.EntireRow.Insert 'End If 'Next i '------------ ' Syntax how to Copy Excel Range to another position: With Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Copy complete Columns .Range("B:E").Copy Destination:=.Range("H:H") ' Copy Range (H2=destination Top-Left Cell) .Range("B2:E20").Copy Destination:=.Range("H2") End With End Sub