1.Create or replace trigger before insert on field in sql Create or replace trigger t1 Before insert on Employee For each row declare v_firstname Employee.firstname%type; v_lastname Employee.lastname%type; Begin DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('You inserted the first Name:'|| :NEW.FIRSTNAME); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('You inserted the first Name:'|| :NEW.LASTNAME); Begin select distinct firstname into v_firstname from Employee where firstname=:NEW.FIRSTNAME; IF(:NEW.FIRSTNAME = v_firstname) THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This first name exists already in the table Employee.'); end if; exception when no_data_found then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This first name does not exist in the table Employee.'); End; Begin select distinct lastname into v_lastname from Employee where lastname=:NEW.lastNAME; IF(:NEW.LASTNAME = v_lastname) THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This last name exists already in the table Employee....
ERP Project Management,Asp.net,PL SQL Tips for error resolution,Research,Software Errors and solution,SQL 2014,2012,2008,Procedural language,SP,Power BI,excel macro ,Musical notations,Business software,Degree, diploma related informations.