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Solved: Error during Code Upgrade Ax 2012 from R2 to R3

Getting below Error during Code Upgrade Ax 2012 from R2 to R3 . Can you suggest to resolve these errors.

The first enabled data source(ProjForecastEmplView_1) in union query cannot have disabled field(Qty).
Menu item RETAILLOYALTYCUSTTABLE does not exist.
Menu item RETAILLOYALTYCUSTTABLE does not exist.
Duty DOCommerceOnlineSalesOrdersMaintain does not exist.
The first enabled data source(RetailTransactionTable_1) in union query cannot have disabled field(transactionId).
Menu item RETAILLOYALTYCUSTTABLE does not exist.
Menu item RETAILLOYALTYCUSTTABLE does not exist.
Menu item RETAILLOYALTYCUSTTABLE does not exist.
Menu item InventAging_CN does not exist.
The class 'FormRun' does not contain the method 'isRetailAttribute'.
The RetailPricingEngine::setRetailDiscountsOnOrder method is obsolete. Use method calculateIndependentPriceDiscounts instead. For sales order, see class RetailSalesOrderCalculator
Variable tmsSalesTable_ds has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesLine has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesLine has not been declared.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadCarrierCode. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadCarrierServiceCode. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method tmsDisplayRouteCode. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Unknown source for data method editInvoiceType_MY. The method does not exist on the form.
Variable salesLineReturnDetails_IN_ds has not been declared.
Variable salesLineReturnDetails_IN_ds has not been declared.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadAccountNum. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadCarNumber. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadGrossWeight. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadNetWeight. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadOrderNum. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadSchedShipDate. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadTractorNumber. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadTrailerNumber. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadTypeId. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadVolume. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method displayLoadWeight. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method policyDescription. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method mcrMarginIcon. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Unknown source for data method mcrMarginPercentStr. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
The class 'FormDataSource' does not contain the method 'updateExplosionCTP'.
Unknown source for data method editGiftCardId. The method does not exist on the form.
Variable mcrSalesLine_ds has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesLine_ds has not been declared.
Unknown source for data method getPotencyCalculatedLineAmount. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Unknown source for data method getPotencyCalculatedUnitPrice. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Unknown source for data method getPotencyCalculationId. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Unknown source for data method getPotencyCalculatedLineAmount. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Unknown source for data method getPotencyCalculatedUnitPrice. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Unknown source for data method tmsDisplayRoute. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method tmsDisplayRouteCode. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
The class 'FormDataSource' does not contain the method 'updateExplosionCTP'.
Variable whsLoadLine_ds has not been declared.
Variable tmsSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable tmsSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable tmsSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable tmsSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable salesTable_W_ds has not been declared.
Variable salesLineReturnDetails_IN_ds has not been declared.
Variable retailSalesTable_ds has not been declared.
Variable mcrReturnSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable tmsSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable salesTable_W_ds has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesLine has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesLine has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesLinePriceOverride has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesLinePriceOverride has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesLinePriceOverride has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesLinePriceOverride has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesTable_ds has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesLine has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesLine has not been declared.
Variable mcrReturnSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesLinePriceOverride has not been declared.
Variable retailSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable salesLineReturnDetails_IN has not been declared.
Variable salesLineReturnDetails_IN has not been declared.
Variable salesLineReturnDetails_IN_ds has not been declared.
Variable tmsSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable tmsSalesTable has not been declared.
Variable salesLineReturnDetails_IN has not been declared.
Variable salesLine_W has not been declared.
The name custParameters is already used in an outer scope.
Unknown source for data method CrmIntegrationStatus. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Variable retailSalesQuotationTable_ds has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesQuotationTable_ds has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesQuotationTable has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesQuotationLineOverride has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesQuotationLineOverride has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesQuotationLineOverride has not been declared.
The class 'FormDataSource' does not contain the method 'mcrFormInitSourceCode'.
Variable RetailSalesQuotationTable has not been declared.
Variable workerSalesResponsibleRange has not been declared.
The name custParameters is already used in an outer scope.
Variable workerSalesResponsibleRange has not been declared.
Variable mcrSalesQuotationLine has not been declared.
Unknown source for data method mcrMarginPercentStr. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Unknown source for data method mcrMarginIcon. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
The class 'FormDataSource' does not contain the method 'packExtensions'.
Variable custTable_ds has not been declared.
Variable custTable has not been declared.
Variable custTable has not been declared.
Unknown source for data method CustDlvName. The method does not exist on the form.
Variable custTable_ds has not been declared.
The PurchCopyingForm::initControls method is obsolete. Use method PurchCopyingForm.initializeControls() instead
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method.
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method.
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method.
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method.
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method.
The wrong number of arguments has been specified for the method.
Operand types are not compatible with the operator.
Variable psaProjSchedRole_ds has not been declared.
Variable psaProjSchedRole has not been declared.
Variable psaDimensionDefaultingController has not been declared.
Variable psaDimensionDefaultingController has not been declared.
Variable psaDimensionDefaultingController has not been declared.
Unknown source for data method assignedHrs. The method does not exist on the form.
Variable psaProjSchedRole_ds has not been declared.
Variable psaProjSchedRole_ds has not been declared.
Unknown source for data method assignedHrsWithSoft. The method does not exist on the form.
Unknown source for data method reservedHrsWithSoft. The method does not exist on the form.
Variable tmpRetailkitInventItems_ds has not been declared.
Variable tmpRetailkitInventItems has not been declared.
Unknown source for data method displayAvailPhysExactDims. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Unknown source for data method availPhysical. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Unknown source for data method displayInvalidDimensionWarning. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Unknown source for data method reservOrdered. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Unknown source for data method reservPhysical. The method does not exist in the data source or table.
Operand types are not compatible with the operator.
Operand types are not compatible with the operator.
Variable depreciationExtMethod has not been declared.
Variable depreciationExtProfileId has not been declared.
The #EmptyString macro does not exist.
Variable areImagesAddedToFirstRow has not been declared.
Variable displayCompanyForLedgerAccount has not been declared.
The class 'LedgerTrialBalanceDP' does not contain the method 'parmCreatedTransactionId'.
The operand for the method is not an element.
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Property ReferenceField has invalid value PaymentPriority[1].
Property DataSource has invalid value BaseDocument_IT.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value SalesLineReturnDetails_IN.
Property DataSource has invalid value SalesTable_W.
Property DataField has invalid value EntryCertificateRequired_W[1].
Property DataField has invalid value IssueOwnEntryCertificate_W[1].
Property DataSource has invalid value SalesTable_W.
Property DataSource has invalid value SalesTable_W.
Property DataSource has invalid value MCRSalesLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value MCRSalesLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataField has invalid value Period[1].
Property DataField has invalid value PeriodType[1].
Property DataField has invalid value Address[1].
Property DataField has invalid value LineManualDiscountPercentage[1].
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property ReferenceField has invalid value RetailLoyaltyCard[1].
Property DataField has invalid value Expedite[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ShipComplete[1].
Property DataSource has invalid value MCRSalesLine.
Property DataSource has invalid value MCRSalesLine.
Property DataField has invalid value SourceId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ContinuityScheduleId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value Expedite[1].
Property DataField has invalid value GiftCardAmount_RU[1].
Property DataSource has invalid value MCRSalesLine.
Property DataField has invalid value InstallmentEligible[1].
Property DataField has invalid value LineType[1].
Property DataField has invalid value SourceId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value DropShipComment[1].
Property DataField has invalid value DropShipment[1].
Property DataField has invalid value DropShipStatus[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ListPrice[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ListPriceCurrencyCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value PriceOverride[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ReasonCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value FTCExempt[1].
Property DataField has invalid value PriceOverride[1].
Property DataField has invalid value SmmTMCallListId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value SourceId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value SourceId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value Expedite[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ShipComplete[1].
Property DataSource has invalid value MCRSalesLine.
Property DataField has invalid value SOAllocPriority[1].
Property DataSource has invalid value WHSLoadLine.
Property DataField has invalid value RefInvoiceDate_MY[1].
Property DataField has invalid value RefInvoiceId_MY[1].
Property DataField has invalid value BasisType[1].
Property DataField has invalid value Type[1].
Property DataField has invalid value FreeSupply[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ContinuityOrder[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ContinuityOrder[1].
Property DataField has invalid value BrokerCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value CarrierCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value CarrierGroupCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value CarrierServiceCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ModeCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value RouteConfigCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value TransportationTemplateId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ServiceAccountingCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value LoadId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value PackingQty[1].
Property DataField has invalid value LineManualDiscountPercentage[1].
Property ReferenceField has invalid value RetailLoyaltyCard[1].
Property DataField has invalid value DeliveryCompanyName[1].
Property DataField has invalid value SourceId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value SourceId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value SourceId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ListPrice[1].
Property DataField has invalid value PriceOverride[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ReasonCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ListPriceCurrencyCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value DeliveryCompanyName[1].
Property DataField has invalid value PriceOverride[1].
Property DataField has invalid value SourceId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ServiceAccountingCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ServiceAccountingCode[1].
Property DataField has invalid value Purpose[1].
Property DataSource has invalid value CustTable.
Property DataField has invalid value Address[1].
Property DataField has invalid value SourceId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value FreeSupply[1].
Property DataField has invalid value Expedite[1].
Property DataField has invalid value ServiceAccountingCode[1].
Property DataSource has invalid value PSAProjSchedRole.
Property DataSource has invalid value PSAProjSchedRole.
Property DataSource has invalid value PSAProjSchedRole.
Property DataSource has invalid value PSAProjSchedRole.
Property DataField has invalid value PSARoleEndDate[1].
Property DataField has invalid value RoleId[1].
Property DataField has invalid value PSARoleStartDate[1].
Property DataSource has invalid value PSAProjSchedRole.
Property DataSource has invalid value PSAProjSchedRole.
Property ReferenceField has invalid value Worker[1].
The SysDictClass::is method is obsolete. Use the IS operator instead.
The InventQualityOrderTable::checkQty method is obsolete. Use the InventQualityOrderTableValidator class instead
Property DataField has invalid value NameAlias[1].
Property DataField has invalid value OrigSourceId[1].
Property DataSource has invalid value InventSiteGateEntryLineView_IN.
Property DataSource has invalid value InventSiteGateEntryLineView_IN.
Property DataSource has invalid value InventSiteGateEntryLineView_IN.
Property DataSource has invalid value InventSiteGateEntryLineView_IN.
Property DataField has invalid value SendToiVAZ[1].
Property DataField has invalid value SendToiVAZStatus[1].
Property DataSource has invalid value InventSiteGateEntryLineView_IN.
The SubledgerJournalizer::loadedAccountingDistributionTmp method is obsolete. This delegate will be replaced with a parameter accepting AccountingDistributionTmp buffer in future version.
Assignment or comparison loses precision.
Write code to execute once work items are resubmitted.
Write code to execute once work items are resubmitted.
Write code to execute once a work item is submitted.
Write code to execute once a work item is submitted.
Empty compound statement.

Solution: Most of the error solved by setting license configuration file. I hope you can check license configuration to resolve your issues. This error mostly come when you do migrate from r2 t r3 version.
System administration->licensing->License configuration


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