clear cache
Clear cookees,history,cache,data trafic,serch history etc
try google chrome to use google products like gmail,google,google plus etc.
delete temporary files.
Go to run->write temp->del all files->den go again in Run and type %Temp% and del all files here also!!
Use Disc cleanup and defragment utility of disc properties.
Clean desktop items.
Delete unused user profiles from document and settings folders.
Clear cookees,history,cache,data trafic,serch history etc
try google chrome to use google products like gmail,google,google plus etc.
delete temporary files.
Go to run->write temp->del all files->den go again in Run and type %Temp% and del all files here also!!
Use Disc cleanup and defragment utility of disc properties.
Clean desktop items.
Delete unused user profiles from document and settings folders.