Example of group by, having,min, max in sql
select query
select id, min(no) , max(no) id from mytable group by id
having min(no) <> 12 order by id;
I hope you will get Idea to use group by, having and aggregate function.
Select first five record from table in sql
To get first 5 records from table you need to use rownum column in select query. Here testtable is table and rownum is column which is physically not visible to it remain in all sql table.
select *from testtable where rownum<=5
Select Query to Get Total Experience of All Employee in Sql
This is a Select Query to Get Total Experience of All Employee in Sql . Here Employee is a table name where all master data of Employee exists.
SELECT E_ID, E_Name , E_Date_of_Joining, DateDiff('Year', E_Date_of_Joining,
GetDate()) As Experience, E_salary FROM Employee
Select query that separate particular part that is separated by special character in sql
select query that separate particular part that is separated by '/' (by special character in sql)
This query is right for you.
select a1_id, SUBSTR(a_col,1,INSTR(a_col,'/',1,1)) as a_col from A1
How to use convert function in sql select query
If you require output as date,total count of employees in order for whole month
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), MyDateField) AS MyDate, COUNT(*)
FROM <table>
GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar(10), MyDateField)
ORDER BY CONVERT(varchar(10), MyDateField)
select query
select id, min(no) , max(no) id from mytable group by id
having min(no) <> 12 order by id;
I hope you will get Idea to use group by, having and aggregate function.
Select first five record from table in sql
To get first 5 records from table you need to use rownum column in select query. Here testtable is table and rownum is column which is physically not visible to it remain in all sql table.
select *from testtable where rownum<=5
Select Query to Get Total Experience of All Employee in Sql
This is a Select Query to Get Total Experience of All Employee in Sql . Here Employee is a table name where all master data of Employee exists.
SELECT E_ID, E_Name , E_Date_of_Joining, DateDiff('Year', E_Date_of_Joining,
GetDate()) As Experience, E_salary FROM Employee
Select query that separate particular part that is separated by special character in sql
select query that separate particular part that is separated by '/' (by special character in sql)
This query is right for you.
select a1_id, SUBSTR(a_col,1,INSTR(a_col,'/',1,1)) as a_col from A1
How to use convert function in sql select query
If you require output as date,total count of employees in order for whole month
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), MyDateField) AS MyDate, COUNT(*)
FROM <table>
GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar(10), MyDateField)
ORDER BY CONVERT(varchar(10), MyDateField)