int pack_socket,n;
int len,datasize;
char src_addr[20],dst_addr[20],*data;
struct sockaddr_ll sa;
socklen_t sl;
struct iphdr *ip_hdr;
char buf[2000];
struct in_addr addr;
pack_socket = socket(PF_PACKET,SOCK_DGRAM,htons(ETH_P_ALL));
sl = sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll);
n = recvfrom(pack_socket,buf,2000,0,(struct sockaddr *)&sa,&sl);
//check whether the packet is ip or not.
if(ntohs(sa.sll_protocol) == 0x0800){
printf(" IP packet received \n");
ip_hdr = (struct iphdr *) buf;
addr.s_addr = ntohl(ip_hdr->saddr);
printf("\n Source Addr = %s", inet_ntoa(addr));
addr.s_addr = ntohl(ip_hdr->daddr);
Getting Below Power BI Report connection error during execution . Error: Something went wrong Unable to connect to the data source undefined. Please try again later or contact support. If you contact support, please provide these details. Underlying error code: -2147467259 Table: Business Sector. Underlying error message: AnalysisServices: A connection cannot be made. Ensure that the server is running. DM_ErrorDetailNameCode_UnderlyingHResult: -2147467259 Microsoft.Data.Mashup.ValueError.DataSourceKind: AnalysisServices Microsoft.Data.Mashup.ValueError.DataSourcePath:;T_CustomerMaster_ST Microsoft.Data.Mashup.ValueError.Reason: DataSource.Error Cluster URI: Activity ID: c72c4f12-8c27-475f-b576-a539dd81826a Request ID: dfb54166-c78f-4b40-779f-e8922a6687ad Time: 2019-09-26 10:03:29Z Solution: We found report connection not able to connect to SQL Analysis service so tried below option. ...