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Microsoft Navision Development Sample Questions

1) How can you tell if you are in a “process” from within your C/AL code?
a) You are always in a process if you are executing C/AL code
b) You never in a process if you are executing C/AL code
c) It would depend on what object the C/AL code is if it is in a form you are not in process, any other object you are in process
d) If the result of calling the INPROCESS function is true, then you are in a process

2) Which of the above C/AL looping statements always executes the statements
inside the loop at least one time?
a) For
b) While
c) Repeat

3) The main limitation of dataports as a tool to integrated Navision with an outside application is that it requires the outside application to:
a) Initiate all data transfers from itself to Navision by running the data port
b) be certified as Navision comp.
c) place its data into an ASCII file before the Navision data port can read it
d) know the internal data structure of the Navision tables to be updated by the data port

4) Using Navision standards for a normal command button on a form, which of the following setting should be used for the glue property?
Ans. HorzGlue and VertGlue.

5) What happens if you set the editable property of a field in a table to “No”?
a) The field will not be modifiable, whether you use a form or C/AL code?
b) You will not be able to modify the field using a form but you can still modify it using C/AL code
c) You will not be able to modify the field using C/AL code, but you can still modify it using a form
d) The field will not be able to be used form

6) Select an item that represents an advantage of C/ODBC over C/FRONT
a) C/FRONT uses a client session C/ODBC does not
b) C/ODBC is faster than C/FRONT
c) C/ODBC instructions are easy to written than C/FRONT instructions
d) C/ODBC can calculate flow field values C/FRONT can not

7) Why would you set the permissions property on a report?
a) You must use this property to allow users to run the report
b) You must use this property if the report modifies a protected table

8) For a report left margin = 1000 before printing the report 15 mm page set up. What will the left margin be in the printed report?
a) 5
b) 25
c) 10
d) 15

9) You have an option field in a table. One of these options: slow, medium, fast, hyper you set the C/ODBC option field called “Option Field Type” to integer. If a particular record has this field set to ‘fast’ what will the outside application using C/ODBC as the value of this field.
a) 1
b) 2
c) Fast
d) 3

10) What is the key you use to see a code in an object?
Ans. F9

11) What is the key you use to see C/AL symbol menu in an object?
Ans. F5

12) An indented data item in a report, is just like a
a) Loop
b) Assignment
c) Condition

13) For what data type can you define its length
Ans. Code, Text, Binary

14) What property you use to set a value to a data type of type option
Ans. OptionString

15) i := 0;
WHILE i < 6 DO i := i + 2; IF i >= 8 THEN
i := i + 1;
What is the value of i ?
Ans. i = 6

16) Table1.SETCURRENTKEY(….);
IF Table1.FIND(‘-’) THEN
UNTIL Table1.NEXT = 0;
Where will you put the LOCKTABLE statement on the above code ?
Ans. Basically you put locktable in the starting of a transaction but in above code you can put just before IF Table1.Find('-') Then

17) In a Data port, two data Item are used, the second one is Indented data Item. While exporting the Data, what will be the Hierarchy of Data exported?
Ans. (It will be in xml format and file format should be UPXML)

18) You can set a dimension for a variable up to…. dimensions
Ans. 10 Dimensions

19) var := 04/03/05 – 03/29/05
What is the value of var
Ans. 5

20) The master table for Cash Management
a) Currency
b) Bank Account
c) Customer
d) General Journal
e) G/L Entry

21) You want to create a new functional area, the main information is about the Widget, using Navision Standard you’ll create a table called
a) Widgets
b) Widget
c) The Widget
d) Widget’s
e) Widget info

22) According to Navision Standard, the table will have a primary key of type
a) Text
b) Integer
c) Code 20
d) Decimal
e) Code 10

23) Using Navision Standard, the table will have how many type of forms?
Ans. 3 types of form (Card Form , List Form and Statistics Form )

24) If every widget has more then one gadget, you’ll need to create a table calls
a) Widget Gadget
b) Widgets Gadgets
c) Widgets Gadget
d) Widget Gadgets
e) The Widget Gadget

25) If you want to see the gadget from widget card, you’ll create a menu item with following properties (note : you’ll asked to choose more than one correct answers

26) If you want to see widget ledger entries from widget card, using Navision Standard, what button will you use
a) F9
b) F3
c) F4
d) F5
e) CTRL+F5

27) After a locktable, how can we unlock ?
a) commit
b) unlocktable

28) In a function receiving a record as parameter, how is it possible to know witch filters was applied to it before?
Ans. GetFilters

29) How many dataitems can we have in a report?
a) 5
b) 10
c) 500
d) unlimited

30) During an import, when does the import worksheet appear?
a) every time
b) only if there are some difference between the imported and existing object

31) In a ‘process only’ report, what trigger doesn’t fire?
Ans. onPreSection , OnPostSection

32) A customer has a report that needs a lot of complex key. The customer will use this report once a year. What the best way to manage the key (without consultant‘s intervention)
Ans. Use KeyGroups

33) Select the item that describes the effect of placing a report DataItem below another DataItem and indenting it?
a) Report DataItems cannot be indented below other DataItems in C/SIDE.
b) The indented DataItem will be executed only if records are not found in the table attached to the other DataItem.
c) The indented DataItem will retrieve records, but the other DataItem will not process a table. It will merely act to control which records the indented element can retrieve.
d) The indented DataItem will attempt to retrieve one or more records from its attached table for each record retrieved in the element above it. In other words, it is similar to having a nested loop in C/AL code.
e) The first DataItem will process through the records of its attached table. Once it has finished processing all records, the second DataItem will process through all of its records.

34) Suppose a customer wants to make sure that each time a user enters a name in a text field, that name has capital letters at the beginning of each part of the name. Which field property would be set for this text field?
a) AltSearchField
b) TableRelation
c) Title
d) InitValue
e) CharAllowed

35) A Check Box control is a handy way of displaying which one of the following variable data types?
a) Integer
b) Boolean
c) Decimal
d) Char

36) If your report cycles through the Item Ledger Entry data table, which C/SIDE Report Designer Section Type would you use to print the data from each record?
a) Footer
b) Repeat
c) Body
d) Header
e) Loop

37) Suppose you were printing Customer Ledger Entries indented beneath a Customer. If you run out of room on the page in the middle of a Customer's Entries, you want to make sure that the Customer Name, Contact and Phone Number are printed at the top of the next page before continuing to print the Entries for that Customer. Which Section type would you use to print this information?
a) Header
b) PageHeader
c) TransHeader
d) GroupHeader

38) Using Navision standards, which one of these Form Types has tabs?
a) Card
b) Tabular
c) Worksheet
d) Matrix

39)Why would you set the permissions property on a report?
a) You must use this property to allow users to run the report.
b) If your customer license does not include that report you must use this property to add it.
c) You must use this property to prevent users from running the report.
d) You must use this property if the report modifies a protected table.

40) When is it possible to change a data type for a field in a table?
a) When there is no data for the field in the table.
b) You can always change the data type of a field in a table.
c) You can never change the data type of a field in a table.
d) When you have the field permission.
41) In a standard Navision Functional Area, describe the table relationship(s) between a Master table and the corresponding Ledger table?
a) A field in the Master Table is table-related to the Ledger Table.
b) A field in the Ledger Table is table-related to the Master Table.
c) The Master Table and the Ledger Table each have a field that is
table-related to the other.
d) The Ledger Table and the Master Table do not have any fields that are table-related to the other at all.

42) What is the relationship between a Navision "Transaction" and a Navision "Process"?
a) "Transactions" and "Processes" are one and the same.
b) A "Process" can contain zero or more "Transactions".
c) There is no relationship between a "Transaction" and a "Process".
d) A "Transaction" can contain zero or more "Processes".
e) A "Process" and a "Transaction" are mutually exclusive; they never take place at the same time.

43) Using a dataport, data of a table are exported to a .txt file. The File Type property is set to ?Fixed?,If a fields is having Data Type=?Text? and Length=9,How many space will be reserved for this field in the Text file?
Ans. It will occupied 9 space and minus length of string in that field. i.e Length 9 - (string length 4) = space 5.

44) Considering a multi company DB, staying in a company if we change a field name , how this will effect the object(s) in the other company(s)
Ans. Field name will be same in all the companies, any change you make to any object, will be reflect in all companies.

45) How can you Test the Database from command prompt so that you can
be able to test the Secondary keys & relationship with primary key

46) At which position of a given code, LOCKTABLE can be used?
Ans. At the start of a Transaction.

47) What will the effect, in the scenario, that two users are trying the update the same record of the same database at the same time?

48) Shortcut keys to get List form, Ledger Form, Statistics form from Card form
Ans. F5, Ctrl + F5, F9

49) Describe the table relationships between a master table and the
corresponding ledger table.
a) A field in the master table is table-related to the ledger table
b) A field in the ledger table is table-related to the master table

50 where do you write WidgetLedgEntry.LOCKTABLE
a) Before WidgetLedgEntry.SETCURRENTKEY(“Entry No.”)
b) Before WidgetLedgEntry.SETRANGE(“Entry No.”)
c) Before WidgetLedgEntry.FIND(‘+’)

51) A case statement is used to
a) Compare one value to many others at one
b) Create an event
c) Change text or code values to all upper case
d) Collect dissimilar conditions

52) If simple modifications (changes to Forms, Tables, or Reports for example) are made to objects in a database that contains 3 companies which of the companies will be able to use the new feature?
a) Only the company that was active when the change was made
b) All companies in the database
c) It is the user’ s choice
d) Only companies that you have permission to change

53) Which of the following is an invalid identity in the C/AL?
a) “Customer “Nick “ Name”
b) “Customer’ s Niick Name”

54) Which function is used to extract the substring ‘In’ from the following string ‘Purchase Invoice’

55) Evaluation of logical expression (Using OR & XOR).

56) In a Dataport, two dataItem is used; the second one is Indented dataItem. While exporting the Data, what will be the Hierarchy of Data exported?

57) A KEY can have at most, how many SumIndexFields?
ANS :- 20

58) Which command would you place on preSection trigger prevent the section from
ANS: CurrReport.ShowOutput

59) A List Report is report that contains a single Dataitem that is the table being listed. which of the following would be a TRUE statement
a) Only PK (field and description and field can be included in ...
b) Each column on the report containing a field from the table on the data is printed from that table, not brought in or calculated other table..
c) The report limited to only 65500 lines
d) Each Field other then the PK, must be activated using the CALCFIELD

60) Which Xml properties will cause flowfields to be calc automatically?
a) calcfields
b) Flowcalc
c) CalcFlow
d) DoCalc

61) In the dataport field designer the list of source expressions should be what order?
a) Same order as the information in the file.
b) Same order as the fields in the table
c) alphabetical order
d) Ordered by data type.

62) Which describes codeunit?
a) Container for all c/al code
b) containers for c/al code
c) Measurement of C/AL
d) the editor c/al

63) Which of the followings is Not characteristic of a menu suite?
a) it consist of a set of menu
b) A menu item is the highest level in the tree
c) A menu node can be either a menugroup or menusuite
d) A menu group contain a collection of menu nodes

64) which of the following is Not true regarding menus or .menusuites?
a) A menu contains content for a specific departmental area
b) menus consists of items, groups and objects

65) what is EXIT(TRUE) return data type?
a) Boolean
b) Text
c) Integer
d) Binary

66) What is the master table of the Cash Management Functional Area
a) Bank Account
b) Customer
c) Cash Account
d) G/L Account

67) How many design levels are there in Menu Suites
a) 1
b) 3
c) 13
d) 40

68) Can we change the name of fields in which data exists.

69) Which is not a limitation of C/ODBC?

70) In A := B; what is the Expression part.
a) A
b) :=
c) := B;
d) B

71) Which of the Following is not a Document Report.
a) Invoice Order.
b) Customer Statement.
c) Inventory Order Details.
d) Purchase Invoice.

72) Which of the Functional area has more then one master table.

73) When you click on a Command Button then it will take a Immediate action, to do so, which control property you have to set.
a) OnPush
b) ClickAction
c) PushAction
d) RunObject

74) What’s the requirement of a table relation.
Ans:- The filed ID that you specify in a TableRelation Property must be a part of Primary key.

75) There are 10 records in a Customer dataitem and in Customer Ledger Entry dataitem that is indented under Customer Dataitem, has 2 records for every record in Customer dateitem. When you add Footar section for Customer Ledger Entry dataitem, how may time it would print on a report.
a) 1
b) 10
c) 20
d) 22

76) What are the two ways to display Totals in Reports.
ANS:- Set the TotalFields or use CurrReport.CREATETOTAL() function.

77) A := B, why there is a compilation error?
ANS: If A in not declared as a variable

78) How identifiers "All Except DOT" change the naming of the fieldname (e.g. "Customer No." will change to "Customer No_")

1)which of the following properties u can change during runtime ?
a) visible
b) vertglue
c) sourceExpr

2) u are make a data convertion from legacy system to new one using dataport but but something accur thier is description filed contain 80 char and the new description filed can take 50 char only. u told ur customer about this he told u its fine with first 50 char know what is true way to do this data convertion ?
a) Change the new description filed properties to take 80 char
b) write code in the table triger to to reed the first 50 char
c) dataport will handle this situations u dont need to do any thing
d)u need to write code in data port to handle this situations
e) put the data in variable and then write code to read the first 50 char

3) if u creat file and write to it the number '1000' what is the size if u know that the textmode method is( textmode(true) )
a) 2 byte
b) 4 byte
c) 6 byte
d) 8 byte

4) if u create file and write to it the number '1000' what is the size if u know that the textmode method is( textmode(false) )
a) 2 byte
b) 4 byte
c) 6 byte
d) 8 byte

Q5) your customer COMPLAIN about report u create he said " the report gose write and evry thing is correct but the report very slow" what u have to chande to fix this peoblem ??

Q6) what is the three primary thing mention in every report (chose three of six )?
A)company Name
B)page number
C)date and time
D)Usre name
E) time of work

Q7)Xfile.EoF how can u represent it in another way
3.xfile.len file.len file.len
How many Indents can a report have?
A: 1
B: 10
C: 100
D: Unlimited

1: In a function with a record as parameter, how can you know witch filters have been applied to it?
a: getfilters
b: impossible

2:Witch kind of files are not present on the client computer
a: stx
b: etx
c: FDB
d: CHM

3: if you set the sourceexpression of a textbox to a bigtext variable, what will be the result ?
a: error
b: text will be truncated

4:Almost like the #3, If you have varText := varBigText;
a: error
b: varText will be truncated

5: outstream.write. What's an invalid target:
a: blob
b: ocx
c: report
d: automation
e: file.

6: Rigth method to delete a large block of code :
{PRGLPD01 Start deletion
Code to delete…

PRGLPD01 End deletion}

1-)What is the fundamental business rule concerning posting for all functional areas in Navision application?
a-)All transactions are posted thought the Ledger into the journal
b-)All transactions are posted by the user directly into Ledger while the journal is used to track user.
c-)All transactions are posted through the journal into the ledger

2-)Which of the following characteristics Not result of the table relationship.
a-)Optimize table records
b-)Validate entry
c-)Perform lookup other tables
d-)Automatically propagate changes from one table to other table.

3-)Which of the following functional area has more than one Master Table?
a-)General Ledger
b-)Fixed Assets
d-)Sales & receivables

4-)Which data type would be used for a field that has a Fildclass property of Flowfield and a Calc Formula method of sum?

5-)Which are the valid "parts" of a table in Navision?
a-)Data and Ledgers
b-)Data and Properties
c-)Data and described
d-)Source and description

6-)which is not a flowfield type?

7-)which is Cash Managments master table?
b-)G/L Account
c-)Cash Account
d-)Bank Account

8-)in customer table comment field and CalcFormula property is following
EXIST('commentLine') WHERE (Table Name=CONST(Customer),No.=FIELD(No.)))
select the item that represents the data type of a command field

9-)Which is true
a-)A field in the master table is table related to the ledger table
b-)A field in the Ledger table is table related to the master table
c-)master and ledger each have a field that is the table related to the other.

10-)what is the main purpose of a subform?
a-)display information below a form
b-)filter a subset of information on a form
c-)make a form that is reduced in size
d-)display information from another table on a form

11-)user make journal entries. what type of form used for that in navision std.
a-)List Form
b-)Card Form
c-)worksheet form
d-)Tabular Form

12-)What can we do to access list form from a card form?
a-)F5,Selecting lookup menuitem or F11
b-)F5,selecting Listmenu item or selecting the lookup button on toolbar
c-)F11,selecting Listmenu item or selecting the lookup button on toolbar
d-)F5,selecting Listmenu item or selecting the find button

13-)What is concatention?????
a-)Extracting a string from within another string
b-)creating a new str by alternately taking charecters from two other string
c-)Combining string values by appending the characters of one to end of the other
d-)Combining string values by adding the numeric value of one to the numeric value of the other

14-)Which is not a report type?

15-)A list report that contains 1 dataitem is the table being listed. Which is true??
a-)Only the PK field and descriptive field can be included in the report
b-)Each column on the report contains a field from the table and the data is printed from that table not brought in or calculated.

16-)Report with cusomer and cust.ledger entry as dataitems and cust ledger entry indented under customer. which of time following would be easiest way to filter both tables to the same date range
a)use SETRANGE on prereport
b)add datefilter to the ReqFilterFields property of the customer dataitem
and link the posting date field of the cust.ledger entry dataitem to the Date filter field of the customer table using the dataitemlink property
c)add datefilter to the ReqFilterFields property of the customer dataitem and,use the set SETFILTER cmd to Filter the posting date field cust.led.entry
d)use SETFILTER on predataitem
17-)the Autosave property on a dataitem in a dataport tells the dataitem to automatically
a)replace records that exist in the table during on import
b)save the file periodiccally
c)insert records during on import

18-)which is True?
a)xml ports do not handle xml documents that find and delete data in the db
b)xml ports do can be run frıom obj designer
c)xml ports will produce proper output

19-)which field in the xmlport description would be used to identify which table a tagname is equvalent to
a)Table Name
d)source type
e) Data Source

20)In a function, when a parameter is specified as Var it means...
a)the parameter is passed as a variant
b)the parameter is passed by value rather than referance
c)the parameter is passed by referance rather than value

1.How can an element of object can be addressed in Code?
a)Using Instance of class definition
b)Using normal syntax of structure language
c)Using dot operator
d)Using pointer reference

3.What Internal document if we add field in table?
a)Documentation trigger
b)Project Log
c)Field Description
d)Code Command

4.You need to open form to get information from input of the user. What code?
b)Create variable type form and code : VAR.RUN
c)Create variable type form and code : VAR.RUNMODAL

6.A question about : KEYGROUPS of report if customer have report only run at end of year

7.How to handle locktable for small customer who use Navision Database Server

1 Witch posting routine read the journal table?
A: Post Batch
B: Post Line
C: Check Line

2 Witch posting routine write in to ledger table ?
A: Post Batch
B: Post Line
C: Check Line
3 Look the following code:

While next <> 0

While next <> 0


What’s the difference ?
A: 1 is faster
B: 2 is faster
C: 3 is faster
D: all are the same

4 In a report with 1 dataItem. Witch trigger is not executed if the dataset is empty?
A onAftergetRecord
B onPostDataItem

5: In a function with a record as parameter. Can we know witch filters have been applies ?
B: Yes, the records contains all the information about the filter applied
C: Yes, the filters applied to a record are stored in a system variable.

6: What is a typical instruction in a check line routine ?
B: Modify()

7: Look the following code in a post batch routine:
SETRANGE("Journal Template Name",'GENERAL');
SETRANGE("Journal Batch Name",'IMPORT');
NextLineNo := "Line No." + 10000
NextLineNo := 10000;

If we post a journal of 20 lines. How many times the line “NextLineNo := "Line No." + 10000” will be executed ?
A. 1
B: 20
C: 40
D: 100

8: In a dataport, you have to test the data before to import them. Where do you want to place your code ?
A: onBeforeImport
B: onAfterGetRecord

9: Look the following code:
VarRecord.field1 := ‘xyz’;
When the change is submitted ?
A: a submit is implicitly called after the modify
B: when leaving the trigger
C: modify submit the transaction

10: How to implement optimistic concurrency (I dn’t remember the server type) ?
A: Set a maximum of filters. The server will lock the table (implicit) during the update
B: Set a maximum of filters and explicitly call the LOCKTABLE

11: If a customer want to be able to change the sorting order of a report without the intervention of a Navision developer, what do you do ?
A: Fill the reqFilterHeading
B: Leave the reqFilterHeading blank
C: Fill the property ????
D: Leave the property ??? blank

12. In a form create with the form wizard. Witch code is automatically generated ?
A: Validate(“No.”) in onaftergetrecord
B: SETRANGE(“No.”) in onaftergetrecord
C: FORM.Save() in onDeleterecord()

13: In a report, witch instruction do the same task as putting a field name in the totalField property A: CreateTotals
B: FlowFiels
C: Sum

3. How to view all the objects in a editable file in object designer?
The answer is to view the objects in a text file.
1) u are make a data convertion from legacy system to new one using dataport but but something accur thier is description filed contain 80 char and the new description filed can take 50 char only. u told ur customer about this he told u its fine with first 50 char know what is true way to do this data convertion ?
1) Change the new description filed properties to take 80 char
2) write code in the table triger to to reed the first 50 char
2) dataport will handle this situations u dont need to do any thing
4)u need to write code in data port to handle this situations
5) put the data in variable and then write code to read the first 50 char

2) Your customer COMPLAIN about report u create he said “the report goes write and every thing is correct but the report very slow" what u have to chance to fix this problem?

3) what is the three primary thing mention in every report (chose three of six A)company Name
B)page number
C)date and time
D)User name
E) time of work

3)Xfile.EoF how can u represent it in another way
3.xfile.len file.len file.len

when displaying subordinate records in a sub form what control do you use.
a) you must use a Tablebox
b) you usually use a tablebox
c) a picture box
d) a text box

Form A calls on instance of a code unit and assigns 'RED' to a global text variable. Form B call an instance of the same code unit and assigns the same global variable 'BLUE'. Form A then calls another function in the same code unit and retrieves the value of the global variable. What is the value?

a) Red
b) Blue
c) Null
d) you can't do this

What function should you call in a report onaftergetRecord trigger that will still print the record your currently on.
a) CurrReport.SKIP
b) CurrReport.BREAK
c) Exit
d) CurrReport.QUIT

user entering a general journal what are the dimension data flows. (2 Questions on this)
T Default Dimension
U Journal Dimension
V Dimension Ledger
X Production Order Dimension
Y Document Dimension
Z Posted Document Dimension
a) T to U
b) U to V
c) T to Z
d) x to Z

Report 2 dataitems Cust. Ledger Entry & Customer. Cust. Ledger Entry is linked and indented. What function do you use to break out of the current record.

1-)Which type of table have most buss. rules

2-)A cay can have at most, how many SumIndexFields?

3-)What is the fundamental business rule concerning posting for all functional areas?

7-)Choose Repeat..Until loop instance of a While..Do loop when you
a-)want to bypass test given a set of conditional
b-)want to time the loop
c-)want to see how many conditions are mention in your test
d-)want to loop to process at least one

8-)Which of the following commands would be best to use C/AL return the user ID?

9-)Which is not considered a document report?
a)Sales invoice
b)Customer Statement
c)Inventory Order details
d)Purchase Order

10-)Which command would you place on preSection trigger prevent the section from printing?

11-)A listreport is report that contains a single Dataitem that is the table being listed. which of the following would be a TRUE statement
a-)Only PK (field and description and field can be included in ...
b-)Each column on the report containing a field from the table on the data is printed from that table, not brought in or calculated other table..
c-)the report limited to only 65500 lines
d-)Each Field other then the PK, must be activated using the CALCFIELD equvilent to?

12-)Which Xml properties will cause flowfields to be calc automatically?

13-) in the dataport field designer the list of source expressions should be what order?
a-)same order as the information in the file.
b-)same order as the fields in the table
c-)alphabetical order
d-)Ordered by data type.

14-)which describes codeunit?
a-)container for all c/al code
b-)container for c/al code
c-)measurement of C/AL
d-)the editor c/al

15-)Wich of the followings is Not characteristic of a menu suite?
a-)it consist of a set of menu
b-)A menu item is the highest level in the tree
c-)A menu node can be either a menugroup or menusuite
d-)A menu group contain a collection of menu nodes

16-)which of the following is Not true regarding menus or .menusuites?
a-)A menu contains content for a specific departmental area
b-)menus consist of items, groups and objectives

17-) which is the sales & receivable master table?

19-)If you want a variable that has been passed to be changed while in the function you can ...
a-)pass it by reference

20-)what type of data have whole number and max 100000?

21)Which is unary operator?
a-) +
b-) /

22)which is not converted automtically?
a-)Blob to binary
b-)int to dec

23-)we have 2 dataitem one is master( I can't remember I think customer and ship .... ), and 10 customers have two ship to addresses . When the report printed how much footer for ship to addresses?
Form A calls on SINGLE instance of a codeunit and assigns 'RED' to a global text variable. Form B call an instance of the same codeunit and assigns the same global variable 'BLUE'. Forma A then calls another function in the same codeunit and and retrieves the value of the globabl variable. What is the value?
a) Red
b) Blue
c) Null
d) you can't do this

How many Indents can a report have.
A: 1
B: 10
C: 100
D: Unlimited

2)2 dataitem: one(dataitem2) is below of the other(dataitem1) and indented. if in AfterGetRecord of the dataitem2 I call CurrentReport.Skip, what is the next record?
a)execute next record (dataitem2)
b)execute next record (dataitem1)
c)nothing, report stop

4)Something with NODBC and multilanguage that I don't remember..

5)2 dataitem: one(dataitem2) is below of the other(dataitem1) and indented. if in AfterGetRecord of the dataitem2 I call CurrentReport.break, what is the next record?
a)execute next record (dataitem2)
b)execute next record (dataitem1)
c)nothing, report stop
In table the following records are prensent: 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000.The result of previous instructions is:

In table the following records are prensent: 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000.The result of previous instructions is:

8)What is the property used for multilanguage support?

9) What of the following is it a File function?

10) What of the following is it a File method?

11) in a report What is trigger that fire before?

12) in a report with request form what is trigger that fire before?

13) your customer have bought your product, but your salesperson have talk with him and have said that the latest version of navision has the improvements that are present in add-ons that you will install. what do you do?
a)install latest version of navision;
b)install latest version of navision, along with improvements present in your add-on

14) A subform
a) have always a table box
b) have usually a table box

15) If I have a code in the OnLookup table trigger that filters in a record set, how can I delete this filter in a form?
a) you can't
b) write code in OnLookup form trigger

16) for sumindexfield what do you use?

17) In legacy system we have a field of 80 character. You must import from legacy system to Navision but the new field is of 50 character.What do you do, if the customer has said that it is ok if you import from 80 character field to 50 character field.
a) write code in dataport to convert
b) you must do nothing:navision do it for you during assignment

18) There is a report. We want to add to this report the possibility for the user to choose if show a description. To make this we add a check box. What must we do in the report?
a) write code in OnPreSection report trigger

19) What is the equivalent of CREATETOTALS function in a report (more or less)?
a) TotalFields

IF Customer.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN

IF Customer.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN

IF Customer.FIND('-') THEN BEGIN

Which is the code faster?
a) the first one
b) the second one
c) the third one
d) all three codes go at same way

21) What it the key to compile an object from object design?
a) F11
b) there isn't any key

22) What is the property to select a subform in a form?
a) SubFormID
b) SubForm

23) When you modify a menusuite, what are the changes that remain?
a) it doesn't save them
b) as the difference between the previous level and the current one.
c) maintain all changes
d) only the last

24) When you create a development database for a customer that has already the db, what do you do?
a) you make a backup and install them with check..

25) Report with modifications. Which do you modify?
a) the new that is a copy of the original
b) the original

26) How do you launch a codeunit?

27) Report only batch. How do you launch it?

28) Import Dataport. From the first record you can extract all data that you need, following data too (for these you don't care about them). What do you do to skip all records except the first one?
a) currentReport.skip (in onbeforeimportrecord)
b) currentReport.skip (in onafterimportrecord)
c) init (in onbeforeimportrecord)
d) init (in onafterimportecord)

30) I declare a variable with VAR.
a) you pass a variable by reference rather than by value
b) you pass a variable by value rather than by reference
c) you declare a variant variable

31) XMLPort. How do you calculate flowfield in automatic?
a) Calcfield
b) FieldCalc
c) AutoCalcField

32) In a report a user wants to set a filter. What do you do?
a) populate dataitemtableview
b) delete dataitemtableview
c) populate dataitemlinkreference
d) delete dataitemlinkreference

34) Import txt file. When does worksheet appear?
a) never
b) always
c) if two objects (that present and that you imported) are modified
d) if the object has different modifications

35) IF NextEntryNo = 0 THEN BEGIN
IF ResLedgEntry.FIND('+') THEN
NextEntryNo := ResLedgEntry."Entry No.";
NextEntryNo := NextEntryNo + 1;
Q:If this code is called for a record set of 20 records, what will be next entry number?

37) You must verify the empty row in the journal when you post. What do you do? the code must be reusable
a) you create a codeunit and pass it a record
c) You can't, because the table don't accept function
d) you put function in the form
NB: can you declare a function in an object other than codeunit?

WordApp is an Automation. What does the code do?
a) sure I instance a variable
b) if the variable doesn't exist I create it
c) clear the variable

40) Number of menu suite in a db?

41)What can NOT be inserted in a subform?
a) Tab menu
b) tablebox
c) picturebox
d) subform

42) what is not true for a blob?
a) you can export only as a bitmap
c) it can contain pictures
d) at maximum 2GB

44) you must import sales order data (they are already verified).
a and b) two option directly into ledger table
c) copy in journal table, save and post them
d) copy in journal table and post them

45) insert a record in sales order. What dimensions are used?
a) Default dimension
b) Journal dimension
c) Ledger
d) Document
e) Document posting
g) Default + journal
h) Journal+ document
i) Ledger + document posting

46) you are posting a journal. What are dimensions that are used?
a) journal
b) ledger
c) default

1: In a function with a record as parameter, how can you know witch filters have been applied to it?
a: getfilters

3:If you set the sourceexpression of a textbox to a bigtext variable, what will be the result ?
a: error
b: text will be truncated

4:If you have varText := varBigText;
a: error
b: varText will be truncated

5: outstream.write. What's an invalid target:
a: blob
b: ocx
c: report
d: automation
e: files
6: Right method to delete a large block of code :
{PRGLPD01 Start deletion
Code to delete…

PRGLPD01 End deletion}


8) Which is true for choosing between NODBC and C/FRONT
a: NODBC faster than C/FRONT
b: NODBC instructions are easier than C/FRONT
c: NODBC can calculate FlowField but C/FRONTcan't

9) Which should we use that allows users to access Navisin data trought ODBC
a: Navision Server Option
b: Navision Server and SQL server option
c: SQL sever
d: Visual Basic

1-)What is the fundamental business rule concerning posting for all functional areas in Navision application?
a-)All transactions are posted through the Ledger into the journal
b-)All transactions are posted by the user directly into Ledger while the journal is used to track user.
c-)All transactions are posted through the journal into the ledger

2-)Which of the following characteristics Not result of the table relationship.
a-)Optimiz table records
b-)Validate entry
c-)Perform lookup other tables
d-)Automatically propagate changes from one table to other table.

3-)Which of the following functional area has more than one Master Table?
a-)General Ledger
b-)Fixed Assets
d-)Sales & receivables

4-)Which data type would be used for a field that has a Fildclass property of Flowfield and a Calc Formula method of sum?

5-)Which are the valid "parts" of a table in Navision?
a-)Data and Ledgers
b-)Data and Properties
c-)Data and described
d-)Source and description

6-)which is not a flowfield type?

7-)which is Cash Managments master table?
b-)G/L Account
c-)Cash Account
d-)Bank Account

8-)in customer table comment field and CalcFormula property is following
EXIST('commentLine') WHERE (Table Name=CONST(Customer),No.=FIELD(No.)))
select the item that represents the data type of a command field

9-)Which is true
a-)A field in the master table is table related to the ledger table
b-)A field in the Ledger table is table related to the master table
c-)master and ledger each have a field that is the table related to the other.

10-)what is the main purpose of a subform?
a-)display information below a form
b-)filter a subset of information on a form
c-)make a form that is reduced in size
d-)display information from another table on a form

11-)user make journal entries. what type of form used for that in Navision std.
a-)List Form
b-)Card Form
c-)worksheet form
d-)Tabular Form

12-)What can we do to access list form from a card form?
a-)F5,Selecting lookup menuitem or F11
b-)F5,selecting Listmenu item or selecting the lookup button on toolbar
c-)F11,selecting Listmenu item or selecting the lookup button on toolbar
d-)F5,selecting Listmenu item or selecting the find button

13-)What is concatenation?????
a-)Extracting a string from within another string
b-)creating a new str by alternately taking charecters from two other string
c-)Combining string values by appending the characters of one to end of the other
d-)Combining string values by adding the numeric value of one to the numeric value of the other

14-)Which is not a report type?

15-)A list report that contains 1 dataitem is the table being listed. Which is true??
a-)Only the PK field and descriptive field can be included in the report
b-)Each column on the report contains a field from the table and the data is printed from that table not brought in or calculated.
16-)Report with cusomer and cust.ledger entry as dataitems and cust ledger entry indented under customer. which of time following would be easiest way to filter both tables to the same date range
a)use SETRANGE on prereport
b)add datefilter to the ReqFilterFields property of the customer dataitem
and link the posting date field of the cust.ledger entry dataitem to the Date filter field of the customer table using the dataitemlink property
c)add datefilter to the ReqFilterFields property of the customer dataitem and,use the set SETFILTER cmd to Filter the posting date field cust.led.entry
d)use SETFILTER on predataitem

17-)the Autosave property on a dataitem in a dataport tells the dataitem to automatically
a)replace records that exist in the table during on import
b)save the file periodically
c)insert records during on import

18-)which is True?
a)xml ports do not handle xml documents that find and delete data in the db
b)xml ports do can be run frıom obj designer
c)xml ports will produce proper output

19-)which field in the xmlport description would be used to identify which table a tagname is equvalent to
a)Table Name
d)source type

1.How can an element of object can be addressed in Code?
a)Using Instance of class definition
b)Using normal syntax of structure language
c)Using dot operator
d)Using pointer reference

3.What Internal document if we add field in table?
a)Documentation trigger
b)Project Log
c)Field Description
d)Code Command

4.You need to open form to get information from input of the user.What code?
b)Create variable type form and code : VAR.RUN
c)Create variable type form and code : VAR.RUNMODAL

1 Witch posting routine read the journal table?
A: Post Batch
B: Post Line
C: Check Line

2 Witch posting routine write in to ledger table ?
A: Post Batch
B: Post Line
C: Check Line
3 Look the following code:
While next <> 0

While next <> 0


What’s the difference ?
A: 1 is faster
B: 2 is faster
C: 3 is faster
D: all are the same

4 In a report with 1 dataItem. Witch trigger is not executed if the dataset is empty?
A onAftergetRecord
B onPostDataItem

5: In a function with a record as parameter. Can we know witch filters have been applies?
B: Yes, the records contains all the information about the filter applied
C: Yes, the filters applied to a record are stored in a system variable.

6: What is a typical instruction in a check line routine?
B: Modify()
6) In check line routine what instruction is Not Found?

7: Look the following code in a post batch routine:
SETRANGE("Journal Template Name",'GENERAL');
SETRANGE("Journal Batch Name",'IMPORT');
NextLineNo := "Line No." + 10000
NextLineNo := 10000;
If we post a journal of 20 lines. How many times the line “NextLineNo := "Line No." + 10000” will be executed ?
A. 1
B: 20
C: 40
D: 100

8: In a dataport, you have to test the data before to import them. Where do you want to place your code ?
A: onbeforeimport
B: onaftergetrecord

9: Look the following code:
VarRecord.field1 := ‘xyz’;
When the change is submitted ?
A: a submit is implicitly called after the modify
B: when leaving the trigger
C: modify submit the transaction

10: How to implement optimistic concurrency?
A: Set a maximum of filters. The server will lock the table (implicit) during the update
B: Set a maximum of filters and explicitly call the LOCKTABLE

11: If a customer want to be able to change the sorting order of a report without the intervention of a Navision developer, what do you do ?
A: Fill the reqFilterHeading
B: Leave the reqFilterHeading blank
C: Fill the property
D: Leave the property XXX blank

12. In a form create with the form wizard. Witch code is automatically generated?
A: Validate(“No.”) in onaftergetrecord
B: SETRANGE(“No.”) in onaftergetrecord
C: FORM.Save() in onDeleterecord()
D: ???? in onNewRecord

13: In a report, witch instruction do the same task as putting a field name in the totalField property?
A: CreateTotal
B: FlowFiels
C: Sum

1-)Which of the following is true regarding to Automation Sever?
a-)C/Side can receive events from components with the Automation events=yes
b-)C/Side cannot receive events from outside components
c-)C/Side can only receive Com+ components
d-)C/Side can receive ebents from components with the withevents=yes

2-)Which of the following is not true regarding the methods and properties of an Automation server controlled from C/SIDE?
a-)When the Automation variable is properly declared, you can view the methods and properties using the C/AL symbol menu
b-)Certain methods and properties will not be able to utilized in Navision if there is no corresponding data type within Navision
c-)knowledge of the relationship between COM data types and Navision data types is required
d-)Com data type can be converted to Navision data types using alterdatatype in order for an outside application.

3-)The main limititation of dataport as a tool to integrate Navision with an outside application, is that requires the outside application to;
a-)Intiate all data transfers from itself to Navision by running the dataport
b-)be certified as Navision complicant
c-)place its data into an ASCII file before the navision dataport can read
d-)know internal data structure of the navision tables to be updated by the dataport

4-)Which of the following is Not true regarding XML tagname field
a-)Attributes are entered prior to the elements they define
b-)TagNames must be entered in order
c-)parent elements must precede their child elements
d-)child elements are indented

5-)which of the following XML port TagName properties selects the field to be mapped to Xml data
a-)source field
b-)ReqFilter Field
c-)Xml Field
d-)Field name

6-)Which field in the Xml port description would be used to identify which table a tagname is quivalent to?
a-)Table name
b-)Tag Type
c-)Tag Name
d-)Source Type

7-)you are importing data from outside source into Navision using dataport the data is in variable format and each field is seperated by ampersand. which of the actions should you perform to be able to import data using dataport.
a-)change field seperator to ampersand
b-)change field delimiter to ampersand

8-)Which of the following dataitem properties would be used to specify which field or fields a Navision Report should Group By.
b-)total fields
d-)Req file

10-)which of the following is true regarding the Request Options From designer
a-)request options form does not exist
b-)to design options tab of options
c-)to design all of the tabs of the request form design

11-)which of the following is Not a Valid report component?
b-)table form

12-)you are designing a report that is going to be run while other users are inserting records into the same transaction tables, using version based navision server what do you need to do t the report to make sure that the data reported will be a consistent snapshot of the data those transactions
a-)you don't need to anything
b-)you will need to set the transaction type property to SnapShot
c-)you will need to set the transaction type property to Browse
d-)there is nothing you can do. user will just have to tell all the others

13-)Cust Ledger entry indented under Customer,which of the following would be easiest way to filter both tables to the same date.
a-)Add datefilter to the Req Filter Fields propertyof the customer dataitem and link the posting date field of the custLedgerEntry dataitemto the data"efilter field of the customer table using the dataitemlink property
b-)Add datefilter to Reqfilterfields property of the customer dataitem and use the Setfilter command to filter the posting datefield of the Cust.Ledger Entry table .
c-)use setfilter
d-)use setrange

14-)which command would you place on preSection trigger prevent the section from printing?

15-)Which is Not true?
a-)Local Codeuınits can only be run from other codeunits
b-)codeunits can be run from other codeunits
c-)codeunits can be run from other objects
d-)other object can be run from codeunits

16-)local variables are limited in scope to the function which they are defined_
a-)local variable can only be defined in codeunits
b-)lacal variables are reinitialized other execution of a codeunit has completed
c-)lacal variables can only be declared in local functions

17-)In order for an outside application to access data within Navision Server using C/ODBC what must it support?
a-)Microsoft Query
c-)Sql Server
d-)Navision Server

1. An a table containt values 1000,2000,3000,4000,5000,6000. Look the following code. (2 Qs).


Position of record?

A. 1000.
B. 2000.
C. 3000.
D. 5000.
E. 6000.
2. Report have 2 Items: Customer and Cust. Ledger Entry which is indented. There Code On OnAfterGetRecord of "Cust. Ledger Entry" : CurrReport.Skip. Which one is TRUE:

a. Current Repot -> stop.
b. Customer -> skip.
c. Cust. Ledger Entry -> skip, Customer -> next record.
d. Customer -> skip, Cust. Ledger Entry -> next record.

3. element (xml?), how to implement it to object.
a. instantiate.
b. language structure.
c. dot operator.

4. If you want to run a report modally within process of a form, what have you do?
a. variablereport.RUNMODAL.
b. variablereport.RUN.
c. Set ReqFilterFields value.
d. Create Request form.

5. If you want to run a form and the user information will be used to setup more than one table, what will you do:
a. variableform.RUNMODAL.
b. variableform.RUN.
c. FORM.RUN(FORM::Form_Name,rec).
d. FORM.RUNMODAL(FORM::Form_Name,rec).

1 Find(‘-‘)
While next <> 0
2 Find(‘-‘)
While next <> 0
the question is which one is the fast??

Q1)Which of the following is NOT true of updating data in Navision using NODBC ?
a-)A Microsoft RAISEERROR will be generated
b-)Data Entered through NODBC will not be validated <--choose c-)Data will be checked for conformance to Navision data types d-)Additional fields normally populated in the onValidate trigger Q2) Exit(True) a-)Return Boolean value b-)Will not accept a parameter True c-)Only executes if it returns a vale <--choose d-)classes down the Navision client 1) Which case to run a report in modal fashion, while within a transaction? a) If request form is show modal before the report b) If report populate all need information on request form before display c) If request form is not shown d) Report already run once and request form was properly fill in 2) NA Server, customer want to sent customer welcome letter, mail merge. What should be used? a) Mail merge using CODBC b) Automation from MS word to Navision c) Automation from Navision to MS word d) Mail merge ODBC Note: I choose B, but not sure. 3) Create a card form by form wizard, what code is added automatically? a) onAfterGetRecord(), setRange("No"); b) onNextRecord()... c) onDeleteRecord()... d) onAfterGetRecord(), validate("No"); 4) Import AR balance, time is limited, so need to do it quick, how to do it a) Import into Gen. Journal line, save it, open the journal form, post it b) Import into Gen. Journal line, without saving, call Code Unit to post it .


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