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How to Improve Traffic To a blog,Make Your Blog Popular,Blogging platforms

Tips to Improve blog's Traffic 

It is not so easy to get traffic to each and every blog but I have experienced if you update your blog everyday then it will come on the first page of search engine (by the way always this does not work) yo can do one more thing try to use some new search word so that it will be easily accessible for search engine to get your blog

just go to google and search some new word if you do not find similar blogs with that word that word is the best suit for your blog to get traffic

1. Make a habit of posting regularly in the blog.

2.Choose a proper template for your Blog. You don't expect people to like it if you have a cooking theme in a Technology blog.

3.Write a topic and post it in different sections and thereby create a series. This increases the curiosity of the web visitors who turn to the blog for the interesting follow-ups.

4.Optimize your blog to make it load Faster so that new visitor don't get annoyed to sit idle while your blog page loads.

5.Try to blog out breaking news first. It increases the popularity and creates an authentic image in the web community.

6.Use right keywords in the body content. The placement of the keywords in accurate density proves to be search engine friendly.

7.It is very important to encourage comments of web visitors in your blog.

8.Highlight the most relevant comments on the blog. Try to build a cordial relation with the web visitors so that they visit your blog over and over again.

9.Submit your blog in blog directories and the RSS feed in RSS directories respectively.

10.It will be fruitful if you use the Ping-O-Matic service. Enter your blog name and its URL and select the directories according to choice. Any updates in your blog are automatically updated in the directories. The web visitors in these directories will able to access your contents.

11.While designing your blog it necessary to make an email subscription button and form. This proves to be very user friendly.

12.Try to comment on other blogs. This will introduce your blog in the blogger community.

13.List your favorite blogs in the blog rolls. You must also try to list your blog in other blogs.

14.It is highly important to add your blog’s URL to your email signature and any profiles other social networking sites. This will also introduce your blog in the web community.

15.It is essential to use Digg, Stumble and other social bookmarking sites for your blog. Once you send a post in the aggregating, it will reach millions in no time.

16.Write on related topics. Post related Articles in a row. This helps in stirring up the interest of the web visitors.

Figure out what key words and phrases are going to be important to your site. Bishop suggests brainstorming to come up with a list of what you believe your prospects and customers would put into a search engine to locate your products and services. 

Then run them through a tool such as Word Tracker, the Google keyword tool or Yahoo Overture Keyword Selector Tool to see what the volume of search activity is and find alternative phrasing to add to your list.

Next, take each page that’s important to you — not the Contact Us page or Site Map — and make sure that keyword or phrase is used prominently. Use it early on in the text and at the end of the page. Put it into a heading with an H1 tag or a subhead with an H2 tag. But, she advises, “Don’t overuse it. Don’t change the way the content is reading, so it sounds ‘horsy.’ It’s better to have good content than have keyword phrases sprinkled in.”

Also make sure it appears in your meta tags behind the page. Yes, meta tags still have value — though not from a search engine ranking standpoint. “You have to think of a meta tag as a kind of ad,” says Bishop. Search engines use that to show additional text as part of the organic listing. “If you’ve got a meta tag that isn’t compelling and doesn’t have keywords in it, [people] won’t click through even if you do rank well.”

2. Make it your “career” to get links into your site. That includes getting links to more than just your home page and using your keywords as part of the anchor text. To get links, Bishop said, write articles and place them on other sites. Then make sure it includes a resource box or bio at the end of the article that includes your URL in the first line and something that will compel readers to go to your site in the second line, along with another link. (For example: Dian Schaffhauser writes for Web Worker Daily at webworkerdaily website.

3. Start a blog and participate in other blogs. These two go hand in hand. By “participate,” Bishop doesn’t mean leaving comments just to be able to include a link back to your own site. She means becoming part of the “ecosystem” of the community. “Over time the people whose blogs you’re commenting in will notice you and start making references back to you.”

The value of blogging on a reasonably consistent basis — aside from being able to share your expertise and opinions with the literate world — is that search engines will index your site more often. Bishop says small business sites, especially, can go for a long time without being indexed. Google does that by design. “They know that the site exists. It’s known as the Google Sandbox. But they want to make sure you’re not a pornographer or a bad actor, basically. You can get around that by having what are known as ‘authority links’ coming back to you.”

For example, if you’re writing about tennis, and you participate in the important blogs in the world of tennis, having those links coming back to your site would be regarded as authority links. “That’s a clue to Google to get you out of that sandbox,” says Bishop. “Links are the new gold standard in managing to get ranking on the search engines.”

4. Add something interactive to the site that will make people come back over and over. Bishop said one client, a high-end real estate finance organization, added a calculator where people can figure out how their taxes would benefit by doing something with the firm. “People come back repeatedly to use it.”

Besides being fun and having potential viral implications, interactive devices help your site to “get embedded in [visitors'] psyches,” said Bishop. “I constantly have clients tell me that the difference in their sales process from this is like night and day. People talk to them as if they already have a relationship.” This can shorten the sales cycle and reduce the amount of effort you have to put forward to build credibility with potential customers or clients.

5. Don’t worry about how many people come to the site but with how long they stay. That means focusing on those areas that will encourage people to hang out longer. To measure this, Bishop recommends Google Analytics because, although it has problems, she said, “it’s free.”

6. Forget about email newsletters. Bishop said problems with spam filters and firewalls are making this web site staple a waste of time. “You’d be better off having a blog that you put newsletter-type content in and have people subscribe to it with an RSS feed.”

What about those newsletter sites that promise to do everything possible to make sure your email gets delivered? Bishop said just because a newsletter delivery report has few rejections, that doesn’t mean the email is getting through to the subscriber. “They don’t measure it the right way,” she said. “I do test studies. Most firewalls won’t give you the courtesy of a bounce-back. It’ll look like it went through, but it gets stopped at the firewall.”

How To Make Your Blog Popular

I have listed a few things you can begin to do to make your blog more popular. Just remember, the blogs are built on relationships, so if you keep that in mind, you can begin to get more popular.

For starters, you need to have your own blog hosted on your own domain. If you want to make an impact, you need to be able to tell everyone you at least care enough about your business to get your own domain and hosting. Anything else just signals laziness.

I would make it a point of visiting the blogs of people you respect, and would like to know, and start making some intelligent comments. Then, if you can get these guys to recognize you, and start answering your comments, then you may be on your way to developing a good blogosphere relationship.

If you can get the blogger to answer you back, then you have just opened the door for starting a pretty good relationship. Now, take it one step further and start to email the blogger certain stories you think they may be interested in. Do not send them links to your blog!

You can also use your blog as a reference.

I consider myself to be an Internet marketer and a web developer. Because of the nature of these jobs, I am constantly looking up information and trying to solve problems. When I do, I now put this knowledge on my blog. This allows me to look it up again when I need it.

Meet blogger personally. There are plenty of blogging conventions every month, and this would be a good time to meet some of these guys. We know the blogosphere is based on relationships, so what better way to reach out to someone than in person. This will make it more likely you will get some publicity for your blog at a later date.

There are just a few of the ways to can develop a dominating blog. But first, you need to build some relationships, as this is the name of the game.

Blogging platforms

These are some blogging platforms you can select one of them for your knowledge sharing.
Just search with these name to get website details directly from google.













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