Set parent child sheet distribution in excel
If you want to set excel worksheet as per parent and child sheet then you can try this example.
This is simple example to set parent child sheet distribution in excel.
Generating DropDown control in excel
If you want to add dropdown control on excel sheet then you can Generate DropDown control in excel by using following code. You can set value in dropdown by code.
If you want to set excel worksheet as per parent and child sheet then you can try this example.
This is simple example to set parent child sheet distribution in excel.
Sub Distribution(ByVal destflnm As String, ByVal srcflnm As String, ByVal ParentColumn As String, ByVal ChildColumn As String)
'Clear Destination Sheet
Dim RgClear As Range
Set RgClear = Worksheets(destflnm).Range("$A$1:$" & LastCol(destflnm) & "$" & LastRow(destflnm))
'Set Parent Range
Dim RgParent As Range
Set RgParent = Worksheets(srcflnm).Range(ColumnRange(srcflnm, ParentColumn))
'Set Child Range
Dim RgChild As Range
Set RgChild = Worksheets(srcflnm).Range(ColumnRange(srcflnm, ChildColumn))
'Set Search Count
Dim i As Integer
i = RgParent.Count
'Set Column index for Destination Sheet
Dim ci As Integer
ci = 1
'Set row index for Destination Sheet
Dim ri As Integer
ri = 2
For r = 1 To i + 1
'if consicutive Parent are same then add Child in column
If RgParent(r, 1) = RgParent(r + 1, 1) Then
'adding Child
Worksheets(destflnm).Cells(ri, ci).Value = RgChild(r, 1)
'increasing row index
ri = ri + 1
'if consicutive Parent are not same then add last Child in column & put Parent as column name
'adding last Child respectively to Parent
Worksheets(destflnm).Cells(ri, ci).Value = RgChild(r, 1)
'adding Parent as column name i.e. in first row
Worksheets(destflnm).Cells(1, ci).Value = RgParent(r, 1)
'increase column index
ci = ci + 1
'reset row index
ri = 2
End If
Next r
End Sub
Generating DropDown control in excel
If you want to add dropdown control on excel sheet then you can Generate DropDown control in excel by using following code. You can set value in dropdown by code.
Sub DropDowncreator(ByVal flnm As String, ByVal clnm As String, ByVal strRG As String)
'Set DropDown Selection Range
Dim strDRP As String
strDRP = ColumnRange(flnm, clnm)
'If Column Exist
If strDRP <> "" Then
'Set DropDown Unoptimized Range
Dim RgDRP As Range
Set RgDRP = Worksheets(flnm).Range(strDRP)
'Optimize Range
Dim iDrp As Integer
iDrp = RgDRP.Count
For q = 1 To iDrp + 1
'if get blank value then break
If RgDRP(q, 1) = "" Then
Dim CN As String
'Find column name of current set range
CN = ColumnAddress(flnm, clnm)
'optimized range string
strDRP = CN & "2:" & CN & q
q = iDrp + 1
End If
Next q
'Generating DropDown
With Selection.Validation
.Add Type:=xlValidateList, AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, Operator:= _
xlBetween, Formula1:="=" & flnm & "!" & strDRP 'Range for DropDown
.IgnoreBlank = True
.InCellDropdown = True
.InputTitle = ""
.ErrorTitle = ""
.InputMessage = ""
.ErrorMessage = ""
.ShowInput = True
.ShowError = True
End With
End If
End Sub