namespace Akadia.BasicDelegate
// Declaration
public delegate void SimpleDelegate();
class TestDelegate
public static void MyFunc()
Console.WriteLine("I was called by delegate ...");
public static void Main()
// Instantiation
SimpleDelegate simpleDelegate = new SimpleDelegate(MyFunc);
// Invocation
simpleDelegate(); it's the object of delegate.
objectname.Eventname += new objectname.delegatename(functionname());
in this we are calling events by creating an object of that particular class providing events but when we attaching delegates we are not using the object name or we cannot use object name, instead we are using class name of that particular delegate provided .Delegate is neither meant to do any action nor to persist a value. so there is no need to access the delegate by an object. And we can even declare the delegate outside of the class. There is no significant in declaring the delegate inside the class.
Class object = new objectOfClass();
where objectOfClassName is object of Class.
objectname.Eventname += new Classneme.delegatename(functionname());
Delete lines in dataTable using public DataTable deleteLine(DataTable dtLines, int RowIndex, String Column)
for (int j = RowIndex; j < dtLines.Rows.Count; j++)
dtLines.Rows[j][Column] = (j + 1) * 10;
return dtLines;
Paste data using code in asp.netThis is a simple code to Paste data using language. Here textbox control is in a form you can get data from textbox then you can execute past command using execCommand.
PastedText = document.Form1.txtArea.createTextRange();
Function to Get value of Data table using query in
Public Function GetTable(ByVal str As String) As DataTable
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(str, objCn.openDb())
Dim adp As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
Return dt
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox("Error" + ex.Message)
Return Nothing
End Try
End Function