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Sending mail by Telnet and manually checking connection

Open Command prompt using CMD as administrator Then Put in this command : telnet server Name 25 Wait to be invited to next step (ehlo), then put in this command: EHLO   Domai nanme After output put in this command: MAIL FROM : From email address After output  ("Sender OK"), then put in this command: RCPT TO : to email address After output  ("Recipient OK"), then put in this command: DATA After output , then put in this command: Subject : type message After output , then put in a dot (".") and hit enter. After output  and confirmation message, then put in this command: Then  QUIT

Advantages of pragma exception init in ORACLE

1.You can define error message for predefined oracle error number.. But once you declare pragma statement, exception are handled implicitly... No need to raise exception explicitly... 2.User could define error message for predefined ora- error number. I guess this would be advantage of using it.. 3.The pragma actually makes it possible to check for errors which are not predefined. the only other way would be to check with 'WHEN OTHERS' clause and then accessing the oracle error code. 4.To enhance application interface and display accurate reason for an error.

Power BI Dashboard and Architecture

SQL insert query validation constraints to limit number of records

This is sample of query for  SQL insert query validation constraints to limit number of records lets you want to insert only 1000 records in table . We can restrict number of rows, but need to add a column on which we can add some constraint ... check below example.! CREATE TABLE TAB_1000_ROWS AS SELECT ROWNUM COL1 FROM DUAL CONNECT BY ROWNUM <1001; ALTER TABLE TAB_1000_ROWS ADD CONSTRAINT CHECK_CONST CHECK (COL1 BETWEEN 1 AND 1000); ALTER TABLE TAB_1000_ROWS MODIFY COL1 NUMBER NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE TAB_1000_ROWS ADD CONSTRAINT UNIQUE_COL1 UNIQUE (COL1); -- or we can also use sequence with max as 100 and no-cycle! after insertion of 100 values it wont allow any new values to get inserted! will throw check or unique constraint! 

Azure Management Tools,characteristics,Service Type,Subscription

Azure characteristics Cloud Virtualized Pay per use Scalable (Elastic) Self Service Provisioning.(Automation) Azure service type- SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE(Saas) Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS)  INFRASTRUCTURE AS A SERVICE(IAAS) Azure management tools Azure portal Windows power shell Azure automation Azure CLI visual Studio Subscription ->Service Admin & Co-Admin & Role base access

How to Fix Issue "0xc000000e: Windows Failed to Start" boot error(Solved)

How to fix the bootmgr Windows Boot Manager error "0xc000000e Windows Failed to Start: The boot selection failed because a required device is inaccessible". Without a Windows setup DVD or if the Windows setup DVD fails to repair the problem.You can get idea from below steps to resolve or fix this error.

Students Project ACKNOWLEDGEMENT format

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is our pleasure to present this project report on Abc First of all, let us thank Mr. TDN, the principal of XYZ Institute , for his  kind consideration. I express my deep gratitude and sincere thanks to the Head of the Department of Computer Technology of XYZ Institute ,Prof. TTT for his encouragement and support throughout the project.  I express my profound  gratitude to our project guide Mrs. yyy for her support given to us. We would like to give our sincere thanks to our ABC Technology staff of XTZ who lead us to satisfactory and timely completion of the project with their great technical support. We hope our work would be taken as a step towards the improvement of the present  condition.