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Limitations of computer,Introduction of Internet

Limitations of computer 1. No Feelings: Computers are not living. Hence, can’t make judgment of its own. Its instructions are based on information given to it in form of program. 2. It is Dumb: Computer posses no intelligence of it’s own. It’s I.Q. is zero. Computer can’t take it’s own decision in this regard. Definition of  Internet Internet is a worldwide network that provides an infrastructure to connect universities, government offices, companies, students, scientists, researchers and private individuals. A machine to be on the Internet means it runs TCP/IP protocol stack, has an IP address, and has the ability to send IP packets to all the other machines on the Internet. A private individual having a personal computer can call up an Internet service provider using a modem, be assigned a temporary IP address, and send IP packets to other Internet hosts.  An Internet consists of a set of connected networks that act as an integrated whole. The Internet provides universal

Application Domain,Definition of SQL Server Integration Service(SSIS).

Application Domain Application domain is nothing but a process(not exactly as normal process) where the application will be running on it. Application domain will isolates all the applications by running each application in a diff. app domain. For instance, if 5 applications are running on your system, it will then creates 5 diff app domain to guarantee the security. It also has the following advantages, 1. An application can be independently stopped. 2. An application cannot directly access code or resources in another application. 3. A fault in an application cannot affect other applications. Definition of SQL Server Integration Service(SSIS). SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) is one of the main issues of Microsoft BI (Business Intelligence) concept representing the data integration and data transformation in the enterprise level approach. SSIS (SQL Server Integration Services) has the ability to gather data from various resources in different kinds of formats, p

SQL Tips-Bulk insert records into table ,Select into ,Insert into,delete record in chunks,Remove unused space

Bulk insert records into table in sql  This is the way to Bulk insert records into table in sql or oracle insert into  If you want to insert of table data to existing table then you need to select insert into query. E.g. INSERT   INTO   Table2 SELECT   *  FROM   Table1 insert into dTable select * from sTable It mean table2 and table1 both exists before execution of query and its simply insert data line by line. It takes more time on execution. Select into: If you want to copy of table structure with data to new table then you need to select select into query. E.g. Select * into tab1 from tab2. It means tab2 exists and tab1 does not exist in database before execution of query. After execution it will copy data of tab2 to tab1 and it will create table tab1 also. if dTable is blank and doesn't have any record. Create this as follows: definately reduce the time. CREATE TABLE dtable NOLOGGING AS SELECT * FROM stable Example of delete records from sq

Command to know the incoming network connections,transmitting data to server in unix

Command   to know the incoming network connections in unix   to know a command which would help knowing the incoming network connections through(from & to) different ip-address:ports netstat -anp | grep "port" | grep "process" Transmitting data to server through code in linux int no_of_bytes_to_send; char* buffer[100]; no_of_bytes_to_send=sizeof(buffer); while(no_of_bytes_to_send>0) { int byte_send = send(sd,buffer,no_of_bytes_to_send); no_of_bytes_to_send = no_of_bytes_to_send - byte_send; buffer+=byte_send; }

Code To Fill data table in DataGrid,fill static, get DataSet combo in asp.Net

Code To Fill DataGrid using  You can try Code To Fill DataGrid using common class. After creation these methods you need to call these method to your form editors by creating class object. Fill DataGrid Private Sub fillgrid() dim dta2 as New dataTable Dim str1 As String = "select * from receipt_detail " Dim datatb As New DataTable datatb = obj.OpenDataTable(str1, "receipt_detail") dta2.DataSource = datatb dta2.DataBind() End Sub 'Other Related Function Public Function OpenCn() As Boolean Try If cn Is Nothing Then cn = New SqlConnection End If If Not (cn.State = ConnectionState.Open) Then cn.ConnectionString = constr cn.Open() End If Finally End Try Return True End Function Public Function Closecn() As Boolean Try If Not (cn Is Nothing) Then cn.Close() End If Finally cn.Dispose() End Try Return True End Function Public Function OpenDataTable(B