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Code To Fill data table in DataGrid,fill static, get DataSet combo in asp.Net

Code To Fill DataGrid using  You can try Code To Fill DataGrid using common class. After creation these methods you need to call these method to your form editors by creating class object. Fill DataGrid Private Sub fillgrid() dim dta2 as New dataTable Dim str1 As String = "select * from receipt_detail " Dim datatb As New DataTable datatb = obj.OpenDataTable(str1, "receipt_detail") dta2.DataSource = datatb dta2.DataBind() End Sub 'Other Related Function Public Function OpenCn() As Boolean Try If cn Is Nothing Then cn = New SqlConnection End If If Not (cn.State = ConnectionState.Open) Then cn.ConnectionString = constr cn.Open() End If Finally End Try Return True End Function Public Function Closecn() As Boolean Try If Not (cn Is Nothing) Then cn.Close() End If Finally cn.Dispose() End Try Return True End Function Public Function OpenDataTable(B

Workbook Data Into One Single Sheet,Sort Alphabetic​ally ,Row column height width manipulation -MS Excel

Workbook Data Into One Single Sheet using MS Excel  If you have 10 workbook each workbook have single sheet of data (tab name should be anything) if you need consolidation sheet into all 10 workbook into one then you can do this with code use below mention code and your work will done . Sub test() Dim FS, Fle, FLDR, fles Dim Fletype As Variant Set FS = CreateObject("scripting.filesystemobject&quot ;) Dim intLstrow As Integer Dim intLstcol As Integer Dim dlgDialoge As FileDialog Dim srcsheet As Worksheet Dim wk As Workbook 'Set dlgDialoge = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker) Set wk = ThisWorkbook Set FLDR = FS.getfolder(BrowseFolder) Set fles = FLDR.Files For Each Fle In fles Fletype = Split(Fle.Name, ".") If (Fletype(UBound(Fletype)) = "xls" Or Fletype(UBound(Fletype)) = "xlsx") Then Set srcsheet = Workbooks.Open(Fle.path).Worksheets(1) intLstrow = srcsheet.Range("

Create or replace trigger before insert on field in sql

1.Create  or replace trigger before insert on field in sql Create or replace trigger t1 Before insert on Employee For each row declare v_firstname Employee.firstname%type; v_lastname Employee.lastname%type; Begin DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('You inserted the first Name:'|| :NEW.FIRSTNAME); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('You inserted the first Name:'|| :NEW.LASTNAME); Begin select distinct firstname into v_firstname from Employee where firstname=:NEW.FIRSTNAME; IF(:NEW.FIRSTNAME = v_firstname) THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This first name exists already in the table Employee.'); end if; exception when no_data_found then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This first name does not exist in the table Employee.'); End; Begin select distinct lastname into v_lastname from Employee where lastname=:NEW.lastNAME; IF(:NEW.LASTNAME = v_lastname) THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('This last name exists already in the table Employee.

Select query to get Database owner and Get package name from the database in SQL

To get owner of all database in sql you can run following query in sql server query editor. select suser_sname(owner_sid) from sys.databases To get owner of particular database like Testdb is database name in sql you can run following query in sql server query editor. select suser_sname(owner_sid) from sys.databases where name = 'Testdb'  Get package name from the database query level If you  have a front end application.When a button on that page is clicked, a package is called.If you  want to find that package name from from the db level. Db level means by writing a query. How to find it? use who called me function for example OWA_UTIL.WHO_CALLED_ME(owner ,name, lineno ,caller_t ); 

Difference between primary key and unique key,Find Primary key,Index help,Not Null in SQL

Difference between primary key and unique key A table can have only one primary key but multiple unique keys. unique key may have null value which is not allowed in primary. simply primary key is unique + not null where as unique key Field contains any number of NULL values. Find primary key, index_name ,index key  using sp_Help command in sql How to find primary key, index_name and index_key in the same query For a particular table and also want to group by index_name use sysindexes table to get the output you want use the stored procedure sp_helpindex [object name] sp_help 'table name' Null and Not Null value in Primary and unique keys in sql Primary key should contain unique value and not null because if attribute value is null than how should maintain the uniqueness.. one more think i want to add that Primary key is a type of constraint and foreign key is also a type of constraint and pk is null then u can't use the null value as a foreign key. S