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Simple way to convert English Number to Arabic Number in Programming.

There is a Simple way to convert English Number to Arabic Number in Programming. 1. You need to create one table where you can store Arabic and English Number in following Manner. 2. Second step is to create function to convert value from English number to Arabic on which you pass number as string and replace English number to Arabic but referring above table. 3. After that return value from function and utilize that variable to your report. 4. I hope you will get idea to make program to get Arabic number from English number.

Apply Monopoly to become successful person in business and Job

You can watch to Apply Monopoly to become successful person in business and Job. If you achieve monopoly it means you have got end key to get success in life. I want to share small clip or view that how Monopoly can change your life to become successful person . There are Competition in all area but one reason can change your business which is monopoly . Monopoly is difficult but if you think about your ability then you can achieve it to get your end key of success.

How to Get different places for Microsoft Dynamics Axapta Financial Dimension

How to Get different places for Microsoft Dynamics Axapta Financial Dimension. Its easy you can go to module and edit the form and you can check financial dimension tab in form like item master,AR, AP, Production control etc. I am sharing practical clip here to check the same. If you like this then please do not forget to subscribe on youtube.

How to create View using Union query from one database to another database in SQL

To create View using Union query from one database to another database in SQL you can get hints from below example its very simple your column should be the same type and number of the column should be same to create union query view. USE [TestDB] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO Create VIEW [dbo].[Test_FinancialDimension] AS ( SELECT [key_] ,[NAME] ,[Value] FROM MicrosoftDynamicsAX.dbo.dimattributecompanyinfo union SELECT [key_] ,[NAME] ,[Value] FROM MicrosoftDynamicsAX.dbo.DimAttributeOMCostCenter --union -- SELECT [key_] ,[NAME],[Value] FROM MicrosoftDynamicsAX.dbo.DimAttributeHcmWorker union SELECT [key_] ,[NAME] ,[Value] FROM MicrosoftDynamicsAX.dbo.DIMATTRIBUTEOMDEPARTMENT union SELECT [key_] ,[NAME] ,[Value] FROM MicrosoftDynamicsAX.dbo.DimAttributeOMB...

Computer memory measurement details

Following are the Computer memory measurement details 0 or 1=1bit 8 bits = 1Byte 1024 Bytes =1 Kilobyte 1024 Kilobytes =1Megabyte 1024 Megabytes = 1 Gigabyte 1024 Gigabytes = 1 Terabyte 1024 Terabytes =1 Petabyte 1024 Petabytes =1 Exabyte 1024 Exabytes =1 Zettabyte 1024 Zettabytes=1 Yottabyte 1024 Yottabytes=1 Brontobyte 1024 Brontobytes=1 Geopbyte Geopbyte is the current highest memory measurement.

Observing Tables sizes Records and Free space on SQL server database

I want to share one clip which will show you how to check each Table size for all tables, Total Number of records, Disk usage on tables, free spaces for tables in SQL Database. You can see how to write the query to get details of all tables in terms of size, records, space utilization and free space on disk for tables. Just visit this clip to get all details.