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Asp code to call home page on logout button,reset password of user

Asp code to call home page on logout button Make script code this way Put this code in vb-script tag sub home() document.frm.submit() end sub //to call function on click event this way onclick="home()" Asp code to reset password of user If you want to reset password or change password of particular user and you can login page then you can get hint or help to set this code in your form. set con=server.CreateObject ("ADODB.CONNECTION") set rs=server.CreateObject ("ADODB.RECORDSET") con.Open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=database Path" Response.Clear () set rs = con.Execute ("select * from logtable where Username='" & Request.Form ("logid") & "' and pwd = '" & Request.Form ("oldpassword") & "'" ) if rs.RecordCount <=0 then Response.Write "invalid password" end if if Request.Form("che...

Example of New operator overloading,Call by value function and reference in c++

Example of New operator overloading in c++ const int maxnames = 5; class Names { char name[25]; static char Names::pool[]; static short int Names::inuse[maxnames]; public: Names(char* s = 0) { if (s) strncpy(name, s, sizeof(name)); } void* operator new[](size_t) throw(std::bad_alloc); void operator delete[](void*) throw(); void display() const { std::cout << name << std::endl; } }; // Simple memory pool to handle fixed number of Names. char Names::pool[maxnames * sizeof(Names)]; short int Names::inuse[maxnames]; // Overloaded new[] operator for the Names class. void* Names::operator new[](size_t size) throw(std::bad_alloc) { int elements = size / sizeof(Names); // Find the first empty element (if any). int p = -1; int i = 0; while ((i < maxnames) && (p == -1)) { if (!inuse[i]) p = i; ++i; } // Not enough room. if ((p == -1) || ((maxnames - p) < elements)) throw std::ba...

Get Missing Index details from Activity Monitor Screen in SQL to get more performance

Create Missing index using SQL Activity Monitor to process improvement If you want to improve performance of application then keep view on activity monitor in SQL and go to long executed query line then you can see from recent expensive query window screen . You can see the average duration of query execution. To get Missing Index details from Activity Monitor Screen in SQL to get more performance you can do following steps. /* Missing Index Details from ExecutionPlan1.sqlplan The Query Processor estimates that implementing the following index could improve the query cost by 93.6536%. */ /* USE [DB_TEST] GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [<Name of Missing Index, sysname,>] ON [dbo].[GENERALJOURNALACCOUNTENTRY] ([CREATEDTRANSACTIONID]) GO */ Once you get index you can create index by directly executing query or you can create index manually. You can create index in query execution process time is very high.

Solution for SQL Database Backup Restore Error

Sql Error Description Facing Below Error during Restoring of SQL Database to existing database or newly created database. Restore of database 'MicrosoftDynamicsAx' failed. (  Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.RelationalEngineTasks) System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: BACKUP LOG cannot be performed because there is no current database backup. (Microsoft.SqlServer.SmoExtended) Solution : This Error due to you have take Full SQL Backup in Read only mode. To solve this issue you can try below steps. 1.U ntick tail log backup checkbox .If you don't know about Tail log backup option then search on google to know more about tail log backup. 2. Second option is you can take full backup of database again then restore then file on database then you can deleted backed up file to free the disk space.

Intranet and Extranet,Artificial Neural Networks,Server and Workstation

Intranet and Extra net An Intranet is a private network (LAN) that uses the TCP/IP protocol suite. However, access to the network is limited only to the users inside the organization. The network uses application programs defined for the global Internet such as HTTP, and may have web servers, print servers, file servers etc. Extra net Private network that uses the Internet protocol and the public telecommunication system Shares part of a business's information with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers or other businesses. Viewed as part of a company's intranet that is extended to users outside the company. Artificial Neural Networks ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS •Neural Networks can supplement the enormous potential of traditional computers with the ability to make sensible decisions and to learn by experience. •Neural Computation is done by a dense mesh of computing nodes and connections. They operate collectively and simultaneously on data inputs....

Structured query language,SQL Query Processing

Structured query language The common commands and methods used in it are grouped into the following categories: Data Definition Language (DDL), Data Manipulation Language (DML), Data Control Language (DCL), Logical Connectors, Comparison operators, Aggregate functions, Joins, Sub query, Relational operators, Where clause etc. Data definition language covers SQL commands that create and destroy database tables. Data manipulation language covers SQL commands that create, change or destroy the information in a database table or the structure of the table. Data control language covers protection to the database such as granting access to the tables. Comparison operators cover those operators that allow for comparison between two items. Aggregate function deals with those standard SQL functions that allow programmers to narrow the search of a database. Joins category covers those items that allow information from two or more tables to be related. SQL Query Processing ...

Limitations of computer,Introduction of Internet

Limitations of computer 1. No Feelings: Computers are not living. Hence, can’t make judgment of its own. Its instructions are based on information given to it in form of program. 2. It is Dumb: Computer posses no intelligence of it’s own. It’s I.Q. is zero. Computer can’t take it’s own decision in this regard. Definition of  Internet Internet is a worldwide network that provides an infrastructure to connect universities, government offices, companies, students, scientists, researchers and private individuals. A machine to be on the Internet means it runs TCP/IP protocol stack, has an IP address, and has the ability to send IP packets to all the other machines on the Internet. A private individual having a personal computer can call up an Internet service provider using a modem, be assigned a temporary IP address, and send IP packets to other Internet hosts.  An Internet consists of a set of connected networks that act as an integrated whole. The Internet provides ...