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Function of functional keys on keyboards

Default ports in computer,network peripherals

Software configuration,installation

what is difference between configuration and installation of software? Answer: Software installation is a process in which we set up software ready for execution usually done by a installer. while configuration includes to set up a complete environment in which discussed software can execute. or simply we can say installation is a sub set of configuration.

Unexpected growth of sql log file in sql 2008

The log file size grows and takes all free space sometimes.  Sometimes it works OK. Following advice may help you to handle the situation I may be mistaken, but I seem to remember a problem with a previous version of SQL doing this when some other process was interfering with the database files, like a system backup, antivirus scan, system updates or a fragment. When the process interferes with the SQL directory, the log files grew out of control until the hard drive filled up.  If you are running something like this, be sure to exclude your database directories from it. If you have a different server handling a function like this, exclude the db directories or server all together. You could put these database In full recovery and set transaction log backups or set up a job that runs DBCC Shrink file. and schedule it to run prior to mid-night. But you should read through the error log and event logs to determine the cause of the problem.

Important SQL Questions for Exam Preparation

1. Which of the following queries can you use to search for employees with the pattern 'A_B' in their names? A. SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE '%A\_B%' ESCAPE '\\'; B. SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE '%A_B%' ESCAPE; C. SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE 'A_B%' ESCAPE '%'; D. SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE '%A\_B%' ESCAPE '\'; 2. The number of records in a table emp is given by statement A. Select total(*) from emp; B. Select count(*) from emp; C. Select sum(*) from emp; D. Select total from emp; 3. Write a query to Display the Name and studentid of all Students of branch CSE and ECE in alphabetical order by name. 4. Can you use the SQL JOIN and SQL HAVING clauses in one SQL statement? A .Yes. B . No. C . It depends. D . Don't know 5. # Which four are valid Oracle constraint types? A....

Major Indian Software and Services Companies List

A G Technologies Pvt Ltd, Mumbai ERP, IT enabled services, web enablement, application development A P Technosis Ltd, Noida Software development (Java, VB, ASP), Offshore services, Consultancy Aalayance Ecom Services Pvt Ltd, Bangalore Enterprise Application Integration, Object Technologies, Public Key Infrastructure, Software development and testing ABO Software Private Limited, New Delhi Electronic Commerce, Electronic Data Interchange, Telecomm-unication - X.25, Frame Relay, Object Oriented Programming Accel Software Solutions Limited, Chennai Software Development, IT Training, IT Enabled Services, E-Biz Solutions Accenture Services Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai Project deliver, Custom application development, Application management & conversion, Creation of client-specific facilities Access Networks India Pvt Ltd, Trichy Protocol development, CTI development, CRM systems, operational support systems for telecom service providers Ace Software Exports Ltd, Rajkot Database Creation, Software...