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Insert Names Across Rows Using Macro,Open Sheet is in the Home Position,Export Camera Picture,Convert Dates- excel Tips

Insert Names Across Rows Using Macro in excel  standard module Sub Test() Dim x As Worksheet Application.DisplayAlerts = False On Error Resume Next Sheets("DataSheet").Delete Names("Data").Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True On Error GoTo 0 Sheets.Add().Name = "Datasheet" Dim nm As Name Dim i As Long Dim avarSplit As Variant Dim noPage As Variant i = 1 Application.ScreenUpdating = False With Sheets("DataSheet") For Each nm In Names .Cells(1, i) = nm.Name .Cells(2, i) = "'" & nm.RefersTo .Cells(3, i) = nm.Value 'noPage = Split( ????? i = i + 1 Next nm End With Columns("A").Resize(, i).AutoFit End Sub '- ' in workbook module edd: Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean) Call Test End Sub '--   Code to The W...

Insert a Chart Built in a Workbook Into Another Workbook

Insert a Chart Built in a Workbook Into Another Workbook Insert into allocated Cells region in a workbook resulted charts built in a different workbook, Can this be done? How would you integrate that chart into some kind of place holder in the workbook that is expecting to get that chart Sub CopyChart() ' Copy Chart 'Chart 1' from ThisWorkbook Worksheet 'Sheet1' ' to Workbook 'BookB.xlsm' Worksheet 'Sheet1', ' at specified position. '-- Dim wbkSource As Workbook ' Source Workbook Dim wksSource As Worksheet ' Source Worksheet ' Top-Left cell where Chart is going to be pasted Dim cSourceTopLeft As Range Dim sTargetTopLeft As String ' Chart Top-Left cell address '-- Dim wbkTarget As Workbook ' Target Workbook Dim wksTarget As Worksheet ' Target Worksheet ' Top-Left cell where Chart is going to be pasted Dim cTargetTopLeft As Range Dim sFil...

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