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Showing posts from September, 2016

Fixed Microsoft SQL Server Error 18456 Login Failed for User sa

If you are getting Microsoft SQL Server Error 18456 Login Failed for User sa error to connect with system admin (SA) Login. Then you can apply below step to resolve this issue Go to SQL Server Properties - Security - Server Authentication section- check Sql Server and Windows authentication mode After that restart SQL server services then it will work fine.

PMP Eligibility-Project Management Professional Certification


What is SQL and Database?


To use  SQL TOP, RANK,  ROW_NUMBER ,DENSE_RANK Functions  you can see below image. Select top 5 records from table. In below query We used SQL TOP, RANK,  ROW_NUMBER ,DENSE_RANK .You can check this with your table.

Top 20 SQL Query Interview Question to learn

Clips for Power BI With data connect,Database Shrinking, Cube Deployment in Ax 2012

Tips to Free Up Disk spaces Default Cube Deployment in Ax 2012 Power BI With data connect Data base Shrinking Enable database log on table in Axapta

SQL Command chart its need to remember

This is SQL Command chart we read it from starting of any computer diploma which include oracle and SQL. DDL is data definition language,DML is data manipulation language ,DCL is data control language and TCL is Transaction control. TCL Include Set transaction also. DML Include Merge,call ,explain plan,and lock table command too. DDL include comment also.