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Namespace Definitions in ASP.Net

System- Provides base data types and almost 100 classes that deal with situations like exception handling, mathematical functions, and garbage collection. System.CodeDom Provides the classes needed to produce source files in all the .NET languages. System.Collections Provides access to collection classes such as lists, queues, bit arrays, hash tables, and dictionaries. System.ComponentModel Provides classes that are used to implement runtime and design-time behaviors of components and controls. System.Configuration Provides classes and interfaces that allow you to programmatically access the various configuration files that are on your system, such as the web.config and the machine.config files. System.Data Provides classes that allow data access and manipulation to SQL Server and OleDb data sources.These classes make up the ADO.NET architecture. System.Diagnostics Provides classes that allow you to debug and trace your application. There are classes to interact with event logs, perfo

Managed code execution process in .Net

Unified model on .Net framework

Types of application in dot net

Following list will give you an idea about various types of application that You can develop on .NET. 1. ASP.NET Web applications: These include dynamic and data driven browser based applications. 2. Windows Form based applications: These refer to traditional rich client applications. 3. Console applications: These refer to traditional DOS kind of applications like batch scripts. 4. Component Libraries: This refers to components that typically encapsulate some business logic. 5. Windows Custom Controls: As with traditional ActiveX controls, you can develop your own windows controls. 6. Web Custom Controls: The concept of custom controls can be extended to web applications allowing code reuse and modularization. 7. Web services: They are “web callable” functionality available via industry standards like HTTP, XML and SOAP. 8. Windows Services: They refer to applications that run as services in the background. They can be configured to start automatically when the system boots up.

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protocols used in current connection in sql server

To get details of protocols used in current connection in sql server you can execute following select query . You could know about Shared Memory,TCP/IP,Named Pipes,VIA (Virtual Interface Adaptor) on using below query. SELECT session_id,connection_id, connect_time, net_transport, net_packet_size, client_net_address FROM sys.dm_exec_connections

Tips to alter login in sql server for database

1. Enabling a disabled log in The following example enables the login  for user name is TestUser5. ALTER LOGIN TestUser5 ENABLE; 2. Changing the password of a login for User TestUser5 The following example changes the password of login TestUser5 to a strong password. ALTER LOGIN TestUser5 WITH PASSWORD = '<enterStrongPasswordHere>'; 3. Changing the name of a login  for user TestUser5 The following example changes the name of login TestUser5 to Abc2. ALTER LOGIN TestUser5 WITH NAME = Abc2; 4. Mapping a login to a credential The following example maps the login Abc2 to the credential Custodian04. ALTER LOGIN Abc2 WITH CREDENTIAL = abc04; 5. Mapping a login to an Extensible Key Management credential The following example maps the login TestUser5 to the EKM credential EKMProvider1. ALTER LOGIN TestUser5 ADD CREDENTIAL EKMProvider1; GO 6. Unlocking a login for user TestUser5 To unlock a SQL Server login, execute the following statement, replacing **** with the desired account

How to create Index on view in SQL

Normally you can not create index on view but if You bind schema of base table with view then you can create index on view. To do that first you need to drop existing view then recreate that view with schema binding option. DROP VIEW view TestView CREATE VIEW TestView WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT Id,Name,,Address,Phone,Fax,Email FROM dbo.tableName

Sql database restore error

If you are getting following error on restoring database in sql . Error 3154: The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing database. Then you can try following line of code to restore database from query editor RESTORE DATABASE TestDb FROM DISK = 'E:\TestDb.bak' WITH REPLACE Second thing is if you do not want to use T-SQL then you need to selection overwrite the existing databse(With replace) option  on restoring database from SSMS

Create,Delete database,table,table data,index in sql by query analyzer

Delete database,table,table data,index in sql by query analyzer 1. To delete all data from table . TRUNCATE TABLE tablename 2. Delete database through query analyzer DROP DATABASE databasename 3. Delete table in sql DROP TABLE tablename 4. Delete index from table in sql. DROP INDEX tablename.indexname To create database in sql you can use following command in sql query analyzer. Create Database in SQL CREATE DATABASE databaseName; Second way is you can right click by mouse and select create new database then set name of database in sql prompt.

Dynamics Ax technical Consultant Task points

o Conduct implementation Gap analysis at the client site(s) o Develop modules; build verticals for the Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 and 2012 o Integrate Microsoft Dynamics AX installation with legacy data and or systems o Facilitate all required Testing of customized MS Dynamics AX o Participate in the improvement of the implementation processes. o Support/ Conduct Installation at designated site(s) o Manage the user requirements for agreed customization(s) o Manage the agreed change management process with the client(s) o Support the implementation of different modules at the client site o Provide technical support to the end users during the phase before going live o Provide on-the-job training to end users according to agreed requirements.

Rights assignment to sql database for users

If you have lot of databases in sql and want to add any user to all database then you do not need to add user in each database. You can add user directly from security menu in sql which is located outside of databases. security menu exists in all individual database and outside of database so if you add user from outside then that user get automatically added to all database. You can assign right using server mapping properties.

User deletion problem in sql database- SQL Troubleshooting

If you want to delete any user from database security but you are not able to delete that user due to schema then you can change schema authorization to dbo. To do that you can try following command in sql query analyzer. use databasename ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON SCHEMA::YourSchemaName TO dbo; I hope this post will help you.

Marketing Segmentation and Campaign Management by MSBI

MS BI is a platform on which an organization can build out their analysis capabilities and enhance their presentation of decision critical data through dimensional modeling and data mining algorithms to identify opportunities for improving the effectiveness of marketing, operational efficiencies and identifying areas that would yield the best return on investment as well as many other applications.

how to create installer with database file inside

Check this link Streamline Your Database Setup Process with a Custom Installer. Keep in mind it is just an example but you should be able to see the idea and create your own installer. Depending on how you are creating your setup project, you will have to follow that technology's guidelines. Check out this site.

What is the difference between Java and C#

What is the difference between Java and C# 1. Both are programming languages having same basic concept but syntactically different... We use Java for mobile development where as c sharp in .net development. 2.Java and c# are only almost the same with just a few variation on some keywords. one of the major difference is that java class can inherit multiple classes where c# classes don't. 3.Java can't accept multiple inheritance and it's the same case for c# , c++ can accept multiple inheritance. 4.C# share the same syntax, execution model and run time features( virtual machine , garbage collection,...) and cross platform , C# add features like cross language interoperability. C.C# have very nice features that java didn't have like linq and functional programming using lambda expressions. 5.C# is that every new feature is the result of c# developers suggestions around the world.Also feature like optional and named parameters are aimed to make developer life mor

Example of code of c sharp with SQL Server connectivity

using System; using System.Data; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Drawing; namespace DatabaseExp { public partial class DatabaseExp : Form { SqlConnection conn; SqlDataAdapter adaptr; SqlCommand cmd; DataTable tbl; static int count = 0, current = 0; static int check = 0; public DatabaseExp() { InitializeComponent(); } private void DatabaseExp_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string connectionString = null; adaptr = new SqlDataAdapter(); tbl = new DataTable(); connectionString = "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=Abdul;User ID=sa;Password=allah"; conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString); try { conn.Open(); MessageBox.Show("Connection Open !", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); //conn.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { Message

C sharp Code to Send Email From G Mail to any other mail Address

Bubble sort Algorithm with two dimensional Array using c sharp

In bubble sort algorithm, we pick the two elements of the collection one by one from the start and compare them. If first element is larger than the second element then we swap them, and then continue the procedure till the end of the collection. Like see we have a string array like below string[] str = {"e","c","b","d","a" }; so, first we will pick first two elements and will compare them if(e>c) {  // we will swap both the elements.  // so our array will be like this now  str = {"c","e","b","d","a" }; } In next step we will pick the elements e , b and will compare them same rule will apply on it. If firs one will be greater then the second one then we will swap them then the array will be look like this: str = {"c","b","e","d","a" }; we will continue the process until we got the whole array in the sorted form. c

Know that Truncate is DML or DDL in SQL

These are some reason why truncate is ddl not dml 1. TRUNCATE can change storage parameters (the NEXT parameter), and those are part of the object definition - that's in the DDL commands. ... 2. TRUNCATE does an implicit commit, and cannot be rolled back most DDL operations in Oracle do this, no DML does.that's Truncate is DDL 3. TRUNCATE TABLE handles table as an entity to clear all data from the specified table 4. Deallocates all space used by the removed rows make truncate to DDL 5. The fact that TRUNCATE doesn't run ON DELETE triggers also sets it apart from normal DML operations (but some DML operations also skip triggers, so that's not a clear indicator. As TRUNCATE removes all rows, it can theoretically be implemented by dropping the table and recreating it in which case it is like any other DDL statement The statement is not expected to be used for usual transactions where insert,update,delete and select statements are used.It is mainly meant for

Example of rollup and cube in sql

SQL> SELECT DEPTNO,SUM(SAL)  2 FROM EMP  3 GROUP BY ROLLUP(DEPTNO)  4 /  DEPTNO SUM(SAL) ---------- ----------  10 8750  20 10875  30 9400  29025 SQL> ED Wrote file afiedt.buf  1 SELECT NVL(TO_CHAR(DEPTNO),'TOTAL'),SUM(SAL)  2 FROM EMP  3* GROUP BY ROLLUP(DEPTNO) SQL> / NVL(TO_CHAR(DEPTNO),'TOTAL') SUM(SAL) ---------------------------------------- ---------- 10 8750 20 10875 30 9400 TOTAL 29025 SQL> ED Wrote file afiedt.buf  1 SELECT NVL(TO_CHAR(DEPTNO),'TOTAL'),SUM(SAL)  2 FROM EMP  3* GROUP BY CUBE(DEPTNO) SQL> / NVL(TO_CHAR(DEPTNO),'TOTAL') SUM(SAL) ---------------------------------------- ---------- TOTAL 29025 10 8750 20 10875 30 9400 SQL> ED Wrote file afiedt.buf  1 SELECT NVL(TO_CHAR(DEPTNO),'TOTAL'),JOB,SUM(SAL)  2 FROM EMP  3* GROUP BY ROLLUP(DEPTNO,JOB) SQL> / NVL(TO_CHAR(DEPTNO),'TOTAL') JOB SUM(SAL) ---------------------------------------- --------- ---------- 10 CLERK 1300 10 MANAGER 2450 10 PR

Ways to Tune the Queries in SQL and Type of Indexes

There are many methods to tune up a query. 1) using EXPLAIN_PLAN. 2) using AUTOTRACE and set Timing ON. 3) tkprof 4) Indexes 5) Cost- based Optimisation 6) Analyze command. 7) parallel query option. Types of indexes B-tree Bitmap Hash Index-organized table Reverse key Function-based Partitioned (local and global) Bitmap join indexes

Difference in length between the first biggest and the second biggest name in sql table

to get difference in length between the first biggest and the second biggest name in SQL table like Employees table. You can try following query to get the same. 1. SELECT MAX(DECODE(DR, 1, L, NULL)) - MAX(DECODE(DR, 2, L, NULL)) AS DIFF FROM ( SELECT LENGTH(FIRST_NAME||LAST_NAME) AS L, DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY LENGTH(FIRST_NAME||LAST_NAME) DESC) AS DR FROM EMPLOYEES ) WHERE DR IN (1, 2) max(a) - min(a)from ( select distinct(length(FIRST_NAME)) a from EMPLOYEES order by length(FIRST_NAME) desc) where rownum < 3

How to copy dvd files and folder's to your folder using Command Prompt

How to copy dvd files and folder's to your folder using Command Prompt To copy a single file-->copy source destination for example :- copy D:\ts\steps.txt E:\Newfolder To copy multiple files-->copy source1 source2 destination for example :- copy D:\t\test.txt D:\t\avx.txt E:\Newfolder You can also use robocopy command more!.. make like robocopy (source file) (destination file) copy options and file to copy.. Eg: (in dvd in partition D:) robocopy D:\ C:\users\user_name\desktop\newfolder /s * This command will copy everything in D:\ (which is the dvd drive) to your desktop folder named new folder and /s means it will copy all sub directories except empty ones .. then the * means all files in the D:\ partition!...

Right approach to use join for particular scenario in sql

I have a table that looks like this: CREATE TABLE #C (grpType varchar(10), CPTCode varchar(10) NULL, Month int NULL, MTD money NULL, MonthCount int NULL, YTD money NULL, YearCount int NULL, Code varchar(10) NULL) It has the following data in it: grpType CPTCode Month MTD MonthCount YTD YearCount Code Month 76800 5 1321.61 27 6574.54 82 76800 Month 76856 5 246.01 3 380.64 6 76856 Month 76881 5 9778.95 131 50682.59 509 76881 Month 76942 5 22467.33 190 116663.58 674 76942 Then I have another table: CREATE TABLE #Prod (grpType varchar(10), TotalCharges money NULL, TotalUnits float NULL, RVU float NULL, Code varchar(10) NULL, CPTCode varchar(10) NULL) This table has the following data in it: grpType TotalCharges TotalUnits RVU Code CPTCode Month 6100.00 12 0 76800 76800 Month -475.00 -1 0 76880 76880 Mont

What is OLAP

OLAP is an acronym for On Line Analytical Processing, and it is becoming the fundamental foundation for Intelligent Solutions including Business Performance Management, Planning, Budgeting, Forecasting, Financial Reporting, Analysis, Simulation Models, Knowledge Discovery, and Data Warehouse Reporting. OLAP performs multidimensional analysis of enterprise data and provides the capabilities for complex calculations, trend analysis and very sophisticated data modeling. OLAP enables end-users to perform ad hoc analysis of data in multiple dimensions, thereby providing the insight and understanding they need for better decision making.

Search column schema and table name from database

If you need search and find which table a certain field presides, but the tables were originally named very poorly. If you have this query below that has helped searching for a column name within a table. The results show you the Table Name, Schema Name and Column Name. But you need to search for a value, and you need to know which table the value is in. For example, it would like the results to show "Table Name", "Schema Name" and "Column Name" when you search for "Value1". USE DATABASE NAME GO SELECT As table_name, Schema_name(schema_id) AS Schema_name, AS column_name FROM sys.tables AS t INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON t.OBJECT_ID = c.OBJECT_ID WHERE LIKE '%results%' ORDER BY schema_name, table_name;

Generate traffic by keywords from fun and entertainment from bollywood

These are good list of words or sentences to Generate traffic by keywords from fun and entertainment from bollywood fields. imran hashmi hot best comedy movies of paresh rawal katrina kaif sisters names katrina kaif sisters photos katrina kaif sisters names ajay devgan new movie singam trailer names of katrina kaif sisters names of katrina kaif sisters name of sister of katrina kaif ajay devgan new movie 2011 trailer ajay devgan singam trailer imran hasmi hot katrina kaif sisters photos all mumbai haji ali dargah video imran hashmi hot katrina kaif family images ajay devgan photos in singam best comedy movies of paresh rawal fun entertainment blogspot paresh rawal comedy movies best katrina kaif family sisters katrina kaif family photo ajay devgan singam trailer video images of katrina kaif family katrina kaif sisters pic katrina kaif sisters pictures katrina kaif family pictures santosh kumar singh facebook haji ali dargah mum

What is money market

The money market is a subsection of the fixed income market. We may think of the term fixed income as being synonymous to bonds. but  a bond is just one type of fixed income security. The main difference between the money market and the bond market is that the money market specializes in very short-term debt secu.  Money market investments are also called cash investments because of their short maturities. Money market securities are essentially IOUs issued by governments, financial institutions and large corporations. These instruments are very liquid and considered extraordinarily safe. Because they are extremely conservative, money market securities offer significantly lower returns than most other securities. One of the main differences between the money market and the stock market is that most money market securities trade in very high denominations. This limits access for the individual investor. Furthermore, the money market is a dealer market, which means that firms buy an

Learn and earn from world of Internet

How to Become rich using Internet in your system To get success and become rich Internet is one way on which you can be rich. If you have job then no problem about money but if you do not have job then you can get lot of job which lot of website provide online. As per my point of view google is best website to earn online but today lot of Indian website also providing online job and they send check on behalf of work. But earning through Internet is not so easy its required lot of patient and hard work. Some people earn money easily some are still struggling. I want to tell you real of Internet. If you will try to earn fast then you will not maintain your quality of posts then you will loose your value and money. If you will go slow and you are real good writer then then you could earn easily and can be famous on whole world. In this blog you can get lot of way to earn online its depends upon you how do you use yourself. So if you are interested in earning then start wor

Job Responsibility of Telesales Representative,Sales Executive

Job Responsibility of Telesales Representative •Telesales representative is primarily responsible for making outbound calls to prospect clients and promotes product & services.  •Contact businesses or private individuals by telephone in order to solicit sales for products or services.  •Explain products services and engaging customers with Sales and Presale Team to respond to the queries from customers.  •Obtain & record customer information, schedule appointments for sales representatives to meet with prospective customers or for customers to attend sales presentations.  •Conduct client or market surveys in order to obtain information about potential customers. •Maintain records of contacts & followup with Sales Team meeting schedules. Job responsibility of Sales Executive Job responsibility of Sales Executive exists in following points means Sales Executive should have following skills. •Proven experience working in the ERP Sales with recent focus in Sau

Search a String for Words in VBA

Using VBA, How can I search a string for words surround by ( ) and remove them from the string. There may be certain cases where I have a string equal to something like: "dog, cat, (pig), sheep, (elephant)". I need help creating a code that will search the string and remove the words surrounded in brackets resulting in: "dog, cat, sheep". To make this a bit more challenging, in addition to removing words surrounded by ( ) I would like the comma's to adjust as well so I don't end up with: "dog. cat. . sheep, ," This would mean if sheep became the last word in the string it would no longer be followed by a comma. This is a code suggestion for the same 1. Function FilterBetween(Data As String, _ Optional Delimiter As String = ",", _ Optional OnLeft As String = "(", _ Optional OnRight As String = ")") _ As String 'remove anything in a delimited string which is surrounded by ' a le

Joining Two Tables in the Update Statement in Oracle 11g

Method 1: update tab a set col1 = -1 where exists (select 1 from tab b where a.col2 = b.col2 and a.col3 = b.col3 and a.col3 = b.col4 ) Method 2: update tab a set (col1,col7,col8) = (select -1, col7,col8 from tab b where a.col2 = b.col2 and a.col3 = b.col3 and a.col3 = b.col4 ) where exists (select 1 from tab b where a.col2 = b.col2 and a.col3 = b.col3 and a.col3 = b.col4 ) Note: In Method 2 the sub-query must return only 1 row. set (col1,col7,col8) = (select -1, col7,col8 from tab b where a.col2 = b.col2 and a.col3 = b.col3 and a.col3 = b.col4 )

Generate Astrix lines by select query in oracle

If you want to generate Astrix lines by select query in oracle this way. ♥ ♥♥ ♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Then you can try following query SELECT LPAD(CHR(3),LEVEL,CHR(3)) "KEEP LOVING ORACLE " FROM DUAL 2* CONNECT BY LEVEL<=11

Blogging categories keywords for Information technology professional

I want to share blogging topics ,keywords and categories for IT professional in sql, visual studio .net,vb,c and c++,perl,database,java,oracle,Microsoft tools,MS excel,php etc 8-magnitude earthquake .mdf files .net certification .Net Interview .net tips and trick 32 bit registers 3BHK starting A call-by-value function and reference in c++ A Query That Deletes from the Right in Sql select Aankhen Khuli Ho aberration abstract class demo abstract data types accept.using select access tables Acer Aspire One AOD255-2509 10.1-Inch Notebook acer etc Acer laptop Acronym Acting classes acting institute Acting Schools Acting schools in India action listener Active directory infrastructure active sheet active x object Actors actress adage Add items to menu at runtime using add row Adding items from listbox to database in visual basic Address of film studio adlockreadonly Administration administrator users Admission Notifications adodb record set a